Engage In-class Activity


Pre-activity Setup (5-10 mins)

  1. Go to https://app.engagevr.io/register and create an account.

  2. Choose a username and display name (other details are optional). Verify your email address.

  3. Download the Engage app on your Oculus headset.

  4. On your headset, sign in using your username/email and password.

  5. Create and customize your avatar or upload your image to generate one if you have a URL to your selfie.

  6. You are all set!

In-class Activity

  1. Launch Engage on your Oculus set.

  2. Sign in with your email address/username and password.

  3. If you are assigned to be the admin in your group, follow the admin instructions, otherwise follow the attendee instructions.


Group 1: Michael (Admin), David, Rachel

Group 2: Kota (Admin), Ethan, Alejandro, (Melis)

Group 3: Laila (Admin), Paul, Hiloni

Group 4: Shenandoah (Admin), Ross, George


  1. Click "Start Session" and choose "Martian Surface" in "Locations".

  2. Share your Session ID with the rest of the attendees in your breakout room.


  1. Click "Join Session" and "Join Session by ID".

  2. Enter the Session ID shared by your admin.

Mars Exploration (10 mins)

  1. Examine the Curiosity rover and chat with your teammates.

  2. Try to interact with the rover by clicking on it.

  3. Explore the Martian terrain by moving around and using the menu controls.

  4. Pay attention to the communication with your teammates and how easily you can move around using the controls.

  5. Think of 3 adjectives that would describe your experience on Mars.

Mars Terrain

Rover Interaction

Exploring Venus (10 mins)

  1. For the admin: Go to your MENU and choose the "Content" tab.

  2. Click on "Exploring Venus" lecture by Oxford University.

  3. Watch some of the lecture and explore the classroom.

  4. Interact with your teammates and experiment with navigation.

  5. Think about how this experience compares to being in a traditional classroom setting.

  6. Think of 3 adjectives that would describe your experience in the classroom.


Please fill out this Google Form when you are done with the activity.