Zach Mor Journal

1000000142 hours

Project 1

Python Tutorials

Python Software Page

Project 2

tomviz Software Page

TomoPy Software Page

tomviz Liver Tutorial

TomoPy Liver Tutorial

1/23: hours: 1

    • created journal page

    • explored history of VR

1/24: hours: 1.5

    • exploring development software

1/28: hours: 2.5

    • download paraview

    • looked at data

2/1: hours: 1

    • some final project ideas:

      • visualizing sound/waves/fluids

2/4: hours: 3

    • download and install unreal

    • begin drafting project plans

    • research sound reconstruction

    • explored data file types


Create a guide for bringing VTK files into Python, converting them to NumPy array for processing, and then exporting them out again as VTK files

Activity: learn about relevant CV processes that ParaView operates (slicing, threshold, tinting, cropping, higher level methods), discuss what you cant do in ParaView

Deliverable: Guide about importing, transforming, processing, exporting VTK files, for example, I will attempt to blur the rat heart vessel.

[editted and fleshed out here]

2/6: hours: 2

    • read about ultrasound imaging: 2d, 3d reconstruction from sound

    • read about nrrd, .stl, .dcm, .sx file format: to do, add description to wiki contrasting experiences

2/9: hours: 1

    • explored researchers at that may have sound data to be visualized

    • ultrasound and fast particle movement were some research interests I discovered

2/13: hours: 3

    • Research into 3d computer vision

    • drafted project plan

2/19: hours: 5

    • Browsed a bunch of different 3d scene datasets

    • researched RGB d file type, along with polygonal meshes

    • researching python packages to interface with VTK files

2/21: hours: 4

    • met with Chris about his research

    • researched xray imaging, reconstruction

    • imported the Rat Heart Vessel into Python

2/23: hours: 3

    • finished processing

      • segmented into four parallel slices

      • added space between them

      • concatenated to an inverted copy

2/25: hours: 1.5

    • exported file as a vtu... thought it would be .vtk

    • failed to visualize on my laptop

    • trouble shooting different ways around the problem

    • added information on wiki about rgbd data

3/3: hours: 1.5

    • learned more about vtu file

    • still unsure about increase in size

    • scaled down to 30% and actually rendered!

3/4: hours: 2

3/11: hours: 8

    • began publishing guides in collaboratory

3/28: hours: 6

    • worked on geometry guide

      • explored visualization libraries mat plot lib and plotly

      • explored the creation of volumes like trivariate normal distributions

3/29: hours: 5

    • finished geometry guide

      • settled on data example

      • redrafted instructions

3/30: hours: 4

    • finished geometry guide

    • began intravalue guide

      • examples and operations

3/31: hours: 2

    • finished intravalue guide

      • intro, conclusion

      • descriptions

      • redrafted to passive voice



  • relevance - 4, beginning was for a a project I'm no longer doing

  • documented - 2, been keeping personal messy records, though I ought to edit them and publish on wiki

  • noted time - 5

  • pacing - 4, missing a week; caught up with plan/use of python to implement range of densities

4/1: hours: 1000000000

    • finished project 2

    • April fools

4/2: hours: 7

    • Got familiar with Cristoph's dataset (add link here)

    • read about different similar data formats

      • 360º scans vs Tilt series

    • read about how tilt series are collected

    • penetrating waves

4/3: hours: 3

    • learn about computed tomography

      • sinograms

      • inverse radon transform

4/4: hours: 4

    • researched techniques for accomplishing computed tomography (CT)

      • fourier transforms

      • back projection

      • algebraic reconstruction technique

      • had missing pieces to aid accuracy: flat and dark field images, used to reduce sensor noise

4/7: hours: 7

    • tried making my own reconstruction algo

      • this was a waste of time. there are labs dedicated to researching how to do this effectively. I should have known to use a module from the beginning

4/10: hours: 2

    • researched different libraries

      • decided on TomoPy

4/12: hours: 4

    • had to install with conda

      • researched what conda is/ what its for

    • downloaded

    • had lots of problems getting it set up

    • wouldnt find the packages which were reportedly dowloaded

    • messed up path variable most probably

4/13 hours: 5

    • kept finicking with system settings, researching problems

    • somehow got it to run but i guess without fixing the problem

      • it worked once then i had the same problem not being able to import packages

4/14 hours: 5

    • succesfully imported data into python

    • full res

    • discovered ffmpeg

      • command line tool used to convert video to frames

4/16 hours: 3

    • preprocessing

      • why -log(data)

      • how does finding the rotation center work

        • minimize entropy between frames

      • segfault error when algorithmically finding the center so i had to estimate

4/20: hours: 8

    • reconstruction attempts

    • troubleshooting to increase accuracy (reconstructions were 100% noise)

      • different preprocessing schemes

      • looked into source code for tomopy methods

      • other ways to find the center????

4/25: hours: 8

    • stuck :(

    • decided it wont work with tomopy

    • tried doing their tomopy tutorial but it wouldnt work either

      • dxchange, tooth data set

    • perhaps my computer is not set up properly

5/1: hours: 7

    • tomopy guide

      • ported to colab notebooks but realized its incompatible as far as Conda environments

5/3: hours: 2

    • write-ups for all the libraries I used and how they can help a python dev trying to work with visualizing data

5/5: hours: 2

    • redrafted most of my documentation

5/10: hours: 10

    • played with tomviz

      • lots of crashing, weird bugs, such as reportedly using 125GB of my RAM (i have 16)

      • misaligned axis meant having to recompute the pipeline multiple times

      • it worked in the end!!!!!

5/11: hours: 2

    • tomviz activity guide

5/14: hours: 6

    • tomviz software page

    • python page

    • tomopy tutorial

    • tomopy software page

Zach Project Evaluation by David 02/07/20

:-( no project plan

Giuse Project Evaluation 2/8/20
