Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to VR MUSEUM App, your gateway to a virtual museum experience. This Privacy Policy details the data collection, use, and protection policies specific to the app, which utilizes the Google Cardboard SDK for immersive virtual reality experiences.

Information Collection and Use

Camera Access
Our app requests access to your device's camera solely for the purpose of scanning any Cardboard ID. This step is optional; if you choose not to allow camera access, you can skip this and continue with the app. The camera is not used for any other purposes within the app.

Usage Data
The app tracks the rotation and position of the player within the virtual environment. 

Personal Data
During your experience, we may ask you questions related to your age, gender and studies. This information is collected solely for the purpose of analyzing user interactions and demographics within the virtual museum experience. This data is not shared with third parties and is used exclusively for internal analysis.

Location Data

If you grant permission, our app can collect location data to enhance the analysis of user interactions within the app. This collection is entirely optional, and you can use the app without enabling location services. The location data is used exclusively for internal purposes to understand geographical demographics and is not shared with any third parties.

Data Protection

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you enter and use our app.


When using VR Museum App, you will be prompted with a summary of the policy inside the app that you will  have to accept. This ensures that all users are informed about the information being collected and how it is used.

Use of the Gyroscope

The app may access the gyroscope on your device to compute real-world movements and enhance the virtual reality experience. This feature allows for more accurate tracking of your interactions within the virtual environment.

Children's Privacy

The app is not specifically targeted at children, and we do not intentionally collect personally identifiable information from users under the age of 13.


By using VR Museum App, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.