VR Empathy Projects

With the help of facilitators, you can experience the feeling of swapping bodies with a complete stranger using a technique called "body transfer illusion".

Led by Dr. Jeremy Bailenson, the team at VHIL tackle difficult topics such as homelessness, racism, and climate change.

VHIL created "1000 Cut Journey" an immersive VR experience where participants walk in the shoes of fictional character Michael Sterling and encounter racism first hand.

You can download the labs VR experiences here.

In partnership with the United Nations, VR film makers Gabo Arora and Chris Milk take you on a journey with Sidra, a 12-year old Syrian refugee girl as she tours you around the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan.

Chris Milk claimed in his 2015 TED Talk that "VR is the ultimate empathy machine".

Oculus Rift creates custom VR simulations to major corporations such as Hilton Hotels to train employees to be more empathetic toward customers and for leadership staff to have more empathy towards staff.