Walk a Mile in Their Shoes:

Is VR the Ultimate "Empathy Machine"?

Why I Chose This Topic:

My name is Olivia Tarasewicz but my friends call me Liv. I am a student in ETEC 523 and for my A1 assignment I am choosing to explore the relationship between VR and empathy.

I have been working in the field of adult education since 2006. I have worked with many different marginalized communities over the years such as newcomers to Canada, people living on low incomes, people with mental health and addiction challenges, seniors, and Indigenous people.

I am a highly empathic person and I always chose to work in jobs where I could help people out in one way or another. I believe this is because I have experienced many difficult situations myself and therefore I know what it feels like to live in difficult and desperate situations.

I strongly believe that empathy is an important part of the human condition. Empathy is a tool that motivates us to help others and do good. Empathy is necessary for social chance, social cohesion, and the advancement of humanity.