
Viewing Videos:

Some of the videos can be viewed in Youtube:

Hamilton Mountain Youtube Link 

Portland Oregon Youtube Link 

Multon Falls Youtube Link 

Links to download video - videos that are cached on the device have better playback than streaming:


River (low res - 84mb) 

Burnside Skatepark (low res - 30.5mb) 

Waterfall (high res - 270mb) 

Waterfall (low res - 106mb) 


Multon River Park (low res - 1.04gb) 

Bridges of Portland (low res - 468mb) 

Bridges of Portland (high res - 1.4gb) 

Video Processing Workflow Overview


Programs Used:

Dealing with Stabilization Challenges in VR Filming with DJI RS

I've been using the DJI RS stabilizer for my VR footage, and it has been doing a great job keeping things smooth. However, if the cameras experience a bump, they stabilize independently, leading to differences that can be quite noticeable in VR. These stabilization mismatches can cause eye strain and headaches when viewed in VR.

My Video Capture System:

Other options for cameras:

Option 1: Dual Lens Single Camera

Option 2: iPhone

Option 3: Two Separate Cameras

USB Transfer to Computer


Synchronization is achieved by using a Python script to find the keyframes (where the clapboard hits) in the left and right videos. The keyframes used to syncronzie the videos are saved to use in a ffmpeg command. I chose to use ffmpeg to stitch the videos because it if 4x faster (on my i7-14k) and outputs in the codec that plays the best on my Quest headset.


The cameras are aligned well enough on the rig, eliminating the need for software-based alignment adjustments.


FFMPEG is used to synchronize and stitch the left and right videos. This is saved in a .sh file:

LEFT_INPUT="stJohnsBridge5_left.MP4"  # Update to your left video file path

RIGHT_INPUT="stJohnsBridge5_right.MP4"  # Update to your right video file path

START_FRAME_LEFT=0 # Starting frame for left video

START_FRAME_RIGHT=169  # Starting frame for right video

OUTPUT_LEFT="left_output.mp4"  # Output filename for left video

OUTPUT_RIGHT="right_output.mp4"  # Output filename for right video

FINAL_OUTPUT="temp_side_by_side.mp4"  # Final side-by-side video output filename

LEFT_AUDIO="temp_audio.aac"  # Extracted left audio file name

FINAL_OUTPUT_SOUND="stJohnsBridge5.mp4"  # Final output with sound

# Crop and center the left video to 3840x3840

ffmpeg -i "$LEFT_INPUT" -vf "select=gte(n\,$START_FRAME_LEFT),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" -an "$OUTPUT_LEFT"

# Crop and center the right video to 3840x3840

ffmpeg -i "$RIGHT_INPUT" -vf "select=gte(n\,$START_FRAME_RIGHT),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" -an "$OUTPUT_RIGHT"

# Stack the processed left and right videos side-by-side to create a 2160x1080 output

ffmpeg -i "$OUTPUT_LEFT" -i "$OUTPUT_RIGHT" -filter_complex "hstack" "$FINAL_OUTPUT"

# Extract audio from the original left video, starting from frame 0

ffmpeg -i "$RIGHT_INPUT" -vn -af "aselect=gte(n\,$START_FRAME_LEFT),asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS" "$LEFT_AUDIO"

# Combine the side-by-side video with the extracted audio

ffmpeg -i "$FINAL_OUTPUT" -i "$LEFT_AUDIO" -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental "$FINAL_OUTPUT_SOUND"

# Delete temporary files


The following steps are necessary to generate the compilation video:

Trimming Clips to Length

ffmpeg -i 'stJohnsBridge5.mp4' -ss 9 -to 24 -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 17 -c:a aac 'waterFountain.mp4'

Generate Compilation Video

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylistStJohns.sh -vf "scale=7680x3840" -c:v libx264 -preset fast -r 60 -crf 17 -c:a aac -b:a 192k stJohnsJuggling_r60_2to1scale.mp4

Inject the spatial media metadata


to run, open a terminal: python3 gui.py

select both check box options

Convert the metadata

exiftool -api LargeFileSupport=1 -StereoMode="left-right" stJohnsJuggling_r60_injected.mp4 

Check the metadata

ffprobe stJohnsJuggling_r60_2to1scale_injected.mp4

Look for:

    Side data:

      stereo3d: side by side

      spherical: equirectangular (0.000000/0.000000/0.000000)