Vietnam Science & Economy Group

About VSEG

The Vietnam Science & Economy Group (VSEG) is a group of Vietnam expatriate researchers in Canberra. The group provides a forum for sharing and discussing recent developments on various aspects of Vietnam’s science and economy, including policies, learned lessons, technical solutions, and potential reform strategies. VSEG members discuss and undertake research on a wide range of topics, including sustainable development, policy prioritization, computer science and technology, resource management, agriculture, macroeconomic policy, trade and finance, labour markets, economic resilience, and climate change. The key objective of VSEG is to strengthen the knowledge pool about Vietnam, focusing on supporting research, policy evaluation, and policy-making processes.

VSEG events

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Membership  is free. To become a member please email to

© Vietnam Science & Economy Group  |  Convened by Quoc Anh Ho, Thai Nguyen & Lien Le | Web designed by Hung Pham