your personal Branding

8 simple Ways TO Grow Your Personal Brand

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"If you want to succeed in life, or you want to choose a career for yourself, or maybe consider switching to another company, or design a new career path, or look for new opportunities abroad, this book will provide you support to serve your career needs.

Every person reading this book will find its contents as an effective approach to speed track his career with efficiency and relevancy so that the other contents available online cannot match with his. This book will also help the reader to grow his professional networks.

Taking into account the changing market dynamics, and competitive market landscape, all the information has been updated according to real-time basis.

Among the challenges in any job search, you will find the need for the right information and the right connections: you should know who and how to inform, and also learn how to be better known and be recognized. It is not just what you know but who you know.

For this, it is important to be clear about what we want, but you should also know what you do not want. It then becomes possible to assert yourself with full responsibility and to discern threats and opportunities within your environment. Then, it will be easy to navigate.

With this tool book, Patrick Taranto has managed the impossible synthesis of adopting both posture advisor who performs guidance, and the posture of the coach that accompanies. A true teacher, he met with precision, clarity, and thoroughness, the reader on the path of a reflection building and action to think."