Running for Cabell County Board of Education is my way of continuing to pay it forward. It is an opportunity to use my energy, passion, community organizing, and leadership skills to ignite action and drive positive change in the community.

I believe that every child deserves to be loved and supported. 

I believe that the stronger our families are the healthier our communities will be. 

We all must play an active role in building a shared vision for our future. 

Trust that every decision I will make that affects Cabell County will be made to support a healthy, thriving community. 

This means:

2022 WV SPEAKS Award for advocating on behalf of West Virginia families and recovery.

Philanthropy West Virginia Spirit of Philanthropy 2021 Individual Philanthropist honoree

Reed's broad professional experience spans grant writing and evaluation, policy review, developing youth programs, non-profit and social impact consulting, creating curriculum, delivering trainings, facilitating community conversations, and directly serving youth and families as a recovery coach and race director. He has held over 10 positions with various Boards of Directors and committees, from the Chamber of Commerce to the Community Service Council and Boys and Girls Club, which speaks to his commitment to service and competency as an executive leader. His philanthropic efforts have helped raise over $50,000 for West Virginia communities and his tenacity for positive change has impacted thousands of people across Appalachia.

With substance use and suicide rates at staggering highs, we need somebody who has experienced firsthand these challenges and knows what it's like to navigate a broken home. Our youth are facing significant challenges and if we aren't pleased with the way things are working, we have to do something differently.

That's why I am humbly asking for your vote, and more importantly your commitment to being an active part of the solution. Our kids need to see examples of what is possible. They are looking to us for hope and inspiration.

 Please join me and help create a vibrant future for the coming generation.

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We need to be in a hurry.

We are failing our children.

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S News and World Reports, CDC, National Center for the Analysis of Healthcare, and the National Survey of Children’s Health:

So what can we do about it?

We can take action.


We have to do better and it starts with how we take care of ourselves and how we show up for one another.

Our community, our health, our businesses, and our families don't run on autopilot. They require hard work to maintain and we are all responsible for doing our best if we expect positive results.

We are called to be role models. To exemplify the type of lives that we want for our children and future leaders. 

So join me in this campaign of action, innovation, and positive change.

To have a healthy individual requires care for mind, spirit, and body.

Our communities must provide access to opportunities and resources that promote well-being.

This includes:

It is also important that individuals have the freedom to pursue whatever faith, religion, or spiritual practice they desire.

Communities that create space for people to collaborate freely, are inclusive, and support positive growth are poised to usher in healthy outcomes for the coming generations.

Boys and Girls Club Trunk or Treat

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention WV Hike for Hope

Ribbon cutting for the Brighten Belpre Mural Collaboration with the High School Art Club

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