
Extreme thunderstorm in Atlanta Georgia

Due to the recent extreme thunderstorms in Atlanta, Georgia, on the behalf of Future and his party we would like to extend our sympathy to the residents effected by these storms. We would also like to do our part to help rebuild and strengthen the community of Atlanta.

In order to do our part, we have setup a volunteer program. Anyone who would like to volunteer their time, talent or money is welcomed to join. We will be assembling crews of electricians, carpenters, plumbers and other tradesmen from across the country to deploy and assist with the cleanup and repair of impacted areas of Atlanta.

Natural disasters are an extremely emotional and a trying time for everyone impacted. We want everyone to feel supported during this trying time. To that end we will also be setting up a crises counseling line for anyone who needs support. While natural disasters test our resolve as Americans. We have always come through stronger as a community and country. Future is stand with and supporting the great citizens of Atlanta and so is all of the United States or America. Together we will rebuild and strengthen the community of Atlanta and the great state of Georgia.

Messages from Future

It has come to our attention that the Governor of our home state who shares our party was caught embezzling millions of dollars from public education; we supported this governor in his last campaign. Currently, we no longer support the governor. The act was unlawful and we are hoping you will forgive us as we previously supported them. Education is one of the most important things for a successful life and their actions may have limited education for children. It is stated that 77% of people believe that education will increase America's ability to compete successfully in the global economy. We recognize the importance of an education so we will be hosting a tour where 15% of all profits are funded back into public education. We will also be hosting a Zoom Meet and Greet where you can meet your candidate. All profit from this will go towards refunding public education as well. We are aware this is an unfortunate circumstance but we are trying to help our future, and these children are the future. We apologize for our past support of the governor, but that does not mean we will not try to make this country a better place for everyone while offering all children public education. Please join us in helping to regain these funds.

Stump Speech

Good afternoon, fellow Americans. If you don’t know already, my name is Future, and I am the most fit presidential candidate in this election. Coming from a troubled, run-down community, I gained the aspiration to make this country a better place. A place where everyone is equal and has equal opportunities. Ever since our government was first formed by the founding fathers, its main principles have been over-looked by technology, industry, and economy. Our country has been so focused on its power and advancement, that we haven’t looked at the bigger picture. This picture is the execution of unity throughout our country. There have been countless conflicts with the people in our country and our government over time that have solely come from the concept of equality. As a president, my main goal is to focus on unifying the people of our country, protecting their rights, and protecting their lives. While doing this, I want to make sure I am not harming the economy of our country in any major way. The execution of policies made and funding towards them will be strict, as I want to make sure that our country is heading in the right direction towards our goals. There can never be a way for everyone to reach full equality within the country due to the economic scale and different places people end up because of it, but I have outlined some of the main focuses on the equality and protection of the country’s citizens while I am in office.

To start, marijuana should become legalized in the United States. Not only will it assist with the issue of Mexican Drug Cartels, but it will bring other benefits. With easier, legal access to marijuana, part of the Mexican Cartels will be out of business illegally bringing marijuana discreetly. A Mexican cannabis farmer told NPR, “If the US continues to legalize pot, they’ll run us into the ground.” That is exactly what we’re trying to get to happen. To stop these cartels. Job opportunities will also be open. Not for the Mexican Drug Cartels, but for United States citizens in need of jobs. Not only this but, the legalization of marijuana will boost the economy due to the exponential increase in tax revenue that comes from legal marketing all over the country.

There have not been enough restrictions set on firearms. Due to this the safety of the citizens in our country has become more of a conflict than ever. To fix this, we need to work on setting more restrictions on firearms. These restrictions include more thorough background checks, limits on the number of firearms a citizen can own, and serial numbers for guns. As the president, I want to put more resources and time into making the law enforcement / FBI system more fluent. This will make sure that tracking of where guns are, the safety of the environment they are in, and the competence of the person owning them are all strictly monitored. This does not take away a citizen’s right to own a firearm, but instead ensures protection for that citizen and the people around them.

Children should be prompted to eat healthy. I propose that schools in America supply only vegetarian and free of trans-fat foods. This will allow students to ingest good food into their systems while being suitable for all children with dietary restrictions. They will maintain their energy throughout the day, to in turn perform better in their academics. This will unify children, parents, and the overall community within schools due to the promotion of physical well-being and focus that healthier food options provide.

Free healthcare should be offered to everyone in the United States. 7.5 million people in the United States (8.5% of the US population) do not have health insurance. The United States is the only nation among the 37 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) nations that do not have universal health care either in practice or by constitutional rights. This shows that our country cares more about the money and power we gain from people than the actual safety, unification, and well-being of our people. This needs to change. Free healthcare can ensure equality through medical needs. No one should have to suffer just because they don’t have the ability to pay for health insurance. That is inhumane and needs to change now.

LGBTQ+ rights should be enforced. Gay marriage, for example, should definitely be supported. Same-sex marriage is a civil right. We have recognized other equality issues, and will still closely focus on them, but it is time to state a straight focus on same-sex marriage, as it is an issue that has been set-aside and not acted upon at full effort.

The economy of our country is already swelling and has been for many, many years. It is time for our country to move forward and plan. Voting for Future will ensure a better Future. A future with little to no conflict within our people. A future where we can live peacefully with one another. It is important to vote for what you believe in and if you believe in equality, you will vote Future as president for 2020!