Vote for Books Reading Challenge

November 2 - 27, 2020

Join the Challenge

Here is what you need to know:

  • Read all 5 books for your grade level by November 19th.

  • Vote for the books you liked best! Voting will take place on November 19-20.

  • Read 400 minutes during the challenge (from November 2-27).

  • Earn DOUBLE MINUTES during the week of November 23-27!

Winners will be announced December 1st!

TOP BOOKS - The books in each grade band that received the most votes!

TOP SCHOOLS - Schools with the highest percentage of students that voted and schools with the highest minutes read

TOP READERS - Students who read all five books in their grade band or students who read 400+ minutes during the challenge will be entered into a random drawing to win prizes!

Winners will be entered to win swag bags, gift cards, and many more prizes!

Read and VOTE on the following books...

The books chosen are the top 5 books read with myON by students in GISD!

Grades PreK - 2

Grades 3 - 5

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12