Volume Boosters Mac

If you're a Mac user, you may have experienced the frustration of not being able to hear audio files clearly. Even when you turn the volume up to the maximum level, it's often not loud enough. 

This is where volume booster software for Mac can help. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best volume booster options for Mac users.

You Can download the latest sound booster from here - https://volumebooster.io

Best Volume Boosters For Mac

Boom 3D is an audio enhancement software that offers a volume booster feature for Mac. It allows you to increase the volume of your audio files by up to 400%. The software has a simple interface and is easy to use. 

It also offers a range of other audio enhancement features, including 3D surround sound, equalizer, and more. Additionally, Boom 3D can be used with all types of audio files, including music, movies, and podcasts.

2. VLC Media Player

VLC is a popular media player that can be used on Mac as well as Windows and Linux. In addition to being a versatile media player, VLC also offers a volume booster feature. 

You can easily adjust the volume of your audio and video files using the player's built-in volume controls. It also supports a wide range of audio and video file formats, making it a great option for Mac users.

3. Hear

Hear is another volume booster software for Mac that offers a range of audio enhancement features. The software includes a 10-band equalizer, virtual surround sound, and volume normalization. 

It also includes a range of presets that allow you to quickly enhance the audio for different types of media, such as music or movies.

4. iVolume

iVolume is a volume booster software that automatically adjusts the volume of your audio files. It analyzes the volume of each file and adjusts it to a consistent level. 

This ensures that you don't have to constantly adjust the volume when switching between different files. The software supports a wide range of audio file formats and can be used on both Mac and Windows.

5. Fidelia

Fidelia is a high-quality audio player that offers a range of audio enhancement features. 

The software includes a volume booster feature that allows you to increase the volume of your audio files. It also includes a range of other features, including a 64-bit audio engine, support for high-resolution audio formats, and more.

6. Sound Booster

Sound Booster is a simple and easy-to-use volume booster app for Mac. It can boost the volume of both system audio and individual apps, making it a versatile solution for Mac users.

Sound Booster’s interface is straightforward and easy to navigate, with a single slider for adjusting the volume level. It’s a great option for those who want a quick and easy way to boost their audio output. It also offers a volume booster extension that can be used on your chrome browsers.

7. EQMac

EQMac is a free and open-source equalizer app for Mac that can also act as a volume booster. It offers a range of features, including a 10-band equalizer, a preamp, and support for multiple audio devices.

EQMac’s volume booster can help you get more volume from your Mac’s speakers or headphones. The app’s equalizer can also be used to adjust the frequency response of your audio, allowing you to fine-tune the sound to your liking.

8. Audio Hijack

Audio Hijack is a powerful audio recording and processing app for Mac. It can also be used as a volume booster, allowing you to increase the volume of your system audio or individual apps.

Audio Hijack’s volume booster can be customized to your liking, allowing you to fine-tune the volume level and apply audio effects. The app’s interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it a great choice for both beginners and advanced users.


In conclusion, there are several volume booster options available for Mac users. Whether you're looking for a simple volume control or an audio enhancer tool, there is a software option that will meet your needs. 

By using one of these software options, you can enhance your audio listening experience and ensure that you can hear your audio files clearly.