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--  Ukraine - Security Council | Humanitarian Situation | United Nations (7 March 2022) - Official   --

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--  Ukraine - Security Council | Humanitarian Situation | United Nations (7 March 2022) - Official   --
As the humanitarian situation in Ukraine declines, top UN officials briefed the Security Council on Monday on the efforts the organization is doing to assist people inside the country and everyone fleeing from the conflict.


Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, said that “simply put, millions of lives have been shattered.”


“People cannot stay home with shops shut, power and water cut, shells falling and phones switched off. They can’t find what they need even if they have money to pay for it. As we have seen, even as the TV cameras roll, many can’t even flee in safety either,” Griffiths said.

As of 6 March, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reported at least 1,207 civilian casualties, including at least 406 dead. The real figure could be considerably higher.


The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reports that more than 1.7 million refugees have fled. In eleven days


The UN and partners have already provided food to hundreds of thousands of people.


The World Food Programme (WFP) is setting up supply chain operations to deliver immediate food and cash assistance to 3-5 million people inside Ukraine.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has shipped trauma care, emergency surgery equipment and other supplies that will help thousands of people. More supplies are on their way.


The UN High Commissioner for Refugees is providing assistance through a network of shops in Mariupol, in collaboration with NGOs. It’s bringing in thousands of blankets, mattresses and other relief items from Poland and shipping them to transit centres.


Griffiths then listed three immediate priorities: take constant care to spare civilians and civilian homes and infrastructure; safe passage for humanitarian supplies; and a system of constant communication with parties to the conflict.


He informed that his office had sent a team to Moscow to work on better humanitarian civil-military coordination that can allow us to scale up, following last Friday’s phone call between the Secretary-General and the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu.


UN teams have also held the first technical meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Defence.


The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs left the Council Members with a warning.


“Make no mistake, we are unable to meet the needs of civilians today. All those points that I have made are points in preparation, in supply, in deployment, in getting to the right place, but we are failing in meeting the needs of civilians today, at this time. I hope we will not fail them tomorrow,” he said.


On her turn, Catherine Russell, Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), recalled her recent trip to the Romania-Ukraine border, where she met thousands of women and children who escaped the fighting.

According to her, children talked about being suddenly pulled out of school, losing beloved toys, and the terrifying sound of shelling and gunfire. Many children have been deeply traumatized.


On Sunday, UNICEF delivered 40 tons of medical life-saving items for children and mothers to in 22 hospitals from five of the most affected regions.


Russel also stressed the “risks posed to children by landmines and explosive remnants of war.”


“Even prior to the recent escalation, Eastern Ukraine was one of the most mine-contaminated stretches of land in the world. This brutal reality is rapidly extending to other parts of the country,” she said.


The Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, applauded those “doing everything in their power to alleviate the suffering Putin has unleashed on the Ukrainian people.”


“Whatever course Russia’s invasion may take, we must do everything – and I stress everything – everything we can to help the people of Ukraine. Kyiv still stands, and we stand with Kyiv. We stand with Ukrainians,” she assured.


On his turn, Vasily Nebenzya, the Russian Federation Permanent Representative, argued that “safety for civilians in Ukraine is not a problem for Russia [to solve], because we are not bombarding them, but rather the Ukrainian radicals and neo-Nazis are who are holding hostage in cities and using its citizens as human shields, not allowing them to leave the cities, despite the fact that there are often humanitarian corridors and the Russian units have declared a ceasefire. There are plenty of examples of this.”


Closing the meeting, Sergiy Kyslytsya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine, said the world was “on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe of potentially global nature.”  


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Solidarité de l'UE avec l'Ukraine

L'UE se tient fermement aux côtés de l'Ukraine et de sa population et continuera de soutenir vigoureusement l'économie, la société et les forces armées ukrainiennes, ainsi que la reconstruction future.

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Depuis le début de la guerre d'agression menée par la Russie, l'UE et ses États membres ont mis à disposition de l'Ukraine et de sa population une aide de plus de 82 milliards d'EUR:

plus de 82 milliards d'EUR

d'aide fournis conjointement par l'UE et les États membres à l'Ukraine
