Season One

Season One

Season Two

Volleyball and the Lemon

Volleyball finds a new favorite food!

Coffee and the Smiley Face

Coffee goes for a peaceful walk in the park.

Coffee's very good day

Coffee goes to the store, and has a great day!

A carton of juice and a Volleyball

Volleyball learns drinking juice is harder than expected.

Coffee's secret gets revealed

When Coffee's darkest secret gets revealed, his friends go insane.

Coffee the Killer

Coffee has a cardboard mask and is ready to kill!

Volleyball's Hands

Volleyball achieves their lifelong dream of having hands.

Christmas Cookies

Volleyball eats a bit too many Cookies at the Christmas Party.

Calculator Wars

Price Tag needs Volleyball's help to earn money to buy a new house.

Assoholics Anonymous

Volleyball and Coffee host alchoholics anonymous.

Rich People Eat Broccoli

Volleyball and Coffee try to be as "respectful rich" as possible.

Coffee the Christian

Ribbon tries to teach Coffee morals.

That sinking feeling

Coffee becomes the owner of every single TV show in the world.

Parent Appreciation Day

Volleyball's favorite holiday is ruined by two unexpected visitors.


Coffee gets the word "surfing" legally changed to "Waterboarding".

Gone with the Wah

Volleyball and Coffee compete in their biggest challenge yet.