Recent publications

Photo: The lofty peak of Volcán Villarrica, Chile (B. Edwards)

We update this list regularly and welcome notifications of new publications. Last update: August 2021.

Journal articles (2021)

Microclimates in fumarole ice caves on volcanic edifices - Mount Rainier, Washington, USA
Florea, L.J., et al., 2021
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

The Thórólfsfell tuya, South Iceland - A new type of basaltic glaciovolcano
Hodgetts, A.G.E., et al., 2021
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Synthesis of hydrothermal alteration, rock mechanics and geophysical mapping to constrain failure and debris avalanche hazards at Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand)
Kereszturi, G., et al. 2021
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Glaciers and glaciation of North Island, New Zealand
Eaves, S.R. and Brook, M.S., 2021
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Ruapehu and Tongariro stratovolcanoes: a review of current understanding
Leonard, G.S., et al., 2021
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Structure from Motion used to revive archived aerial photographs for geomorphological analysis: an example from Mount Meager volcano, British Columbia, Canada
Roberti, G., et al. 2021
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

The last glaciation of the Arctic volcanic island Jan Mayen
Lysa, A., et al. 2021

Forecasting and Seismic Detection of Proglacial Debris Flows at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
Beason, S.R., et al. 2021
Environmental and Engineering Geoscience

The first continuous late Pleistocene tephra record from Kamchatka Peninsula (NW Pacific) and its volcanological and paleogeographic implications
Ponomareva, V., et al. 2021
Quaternary Science Reviews

Annual and inter-annual variability and trends of albedo of Icelandic glaciers
Gunnarsson, A., et al. 2021
The Cryosphere

Volcanic activity and gas emissions along the South Sandwich Arc
Liu, E.J., et al. 2021
Bulletin of Volcanology

Cryptotephra from the Icelandic Veiðivötn 1477 CE eruption in a Greenland ice core: confirming the dating of volcanic events in the 1450s CE and assessing the eruption's climatic impact
Abbott, P.M., et al. 2021
Climate of the Past

Late Pleistocene subglacial fissure-related volcanism at Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (37° 51° S, 71° 05’ W), South Volcanic Zone
Sruoga, P., et al., 2021
Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Construction of an intraplate island volcano: The volcanic history of Heard Island
Fox, J.M., et al., 2021
Bulletin of Volcanology

Late Holocene canyon-carving floods in northern Iceland were smaller than previously reported
van der Bilt, et al., 2021
Nature Communications Earth and Environment

Investigating the roles of magmatic volatiles, ground ice and impact-triggering on a very recent and highly explosive volcanic eruption on Mars
Moitra, P., et al., 2021
Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Controls on andesitic glaciovolcanism at ice-capped volcanoes from field and experimental studies
Cole, R.P., et al., 2021

Calbuco, a monotonous andesitic high-flux volcano in the Southern Andes, Chile
Mixon, E.E., et al., 2021
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Late Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene volcanic and paleoenvironmental history of the Cerro Domo and Ventisqueros Mesa area, northwest James Ross Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula
Bertoa del Llano, M., et al., 2021
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Change of eruptive style during Pliocene deglaciation: from scoria cones to lava shields in southern extra-Andean Patagonia, Argentina
Guillot, M.G. and Ponce, J.F., 2021
Bulletin of Volcanology

A reinterpretation of pyroclastic density current deposits at Copahue volcano, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Argentina-Chile
Baez, A.D., et al., 2021
Journal of South American Earth Sciences

Spectroscopic characterization of samples from different environments in a Volcano-Glacial region in Iceland: Implications for in situ planetary exploration
Bower, D.M., et al., 2021
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy

Lithofacies and eruptive conditions of the souternmost volcanoes in the world (87 S)
Smellie, J.L. and Panter, K.S., 2021
Bulletin of Volcanology

Eruption of Mount Meager, British Columbia, during the early Fraser glaciation
Russell, J.K., et al., 2021
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

Englacial lake dynamics within a Pleistocene cordilleran ice sheet at Kima' Kho tuya (British Columbia, Canada)
Russell, J.K., et al., 2021
Quaternary Science Reviews

Evolution in eruptive style of the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof volcano, Alaska, reflected in groundmass textures and remote sensing
Loewen, M.W., et al., 2021
Bulletin of Volcanology

Volcanic climate forcing preceding the inception of the Younger Dryas: Implications for tracing the Laacher See eruption
Abbott, P.M., et al., 2021
Quaternary Science Reviews

Books and book chapters (2021)

Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-up
Eds J.L. Smellie, K.S. Panter, A. Geyer
Geological Society of London Memoirs Volume 55, 2021

Hazards at ice-clad volcanoes: Phenomena, processes, and examples from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile
Delgao-Granadas, H., et al., 2021
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (Second Edition), Chapter 17

Climatic Influence on Volcanic Landslides
Roberti, G., et al. 2021
Volcanic Debris Avalanches, pp. 121-141

Journal articles (2020)

Global mapping of future glaciovolcanism
Edwards, B., et al., 2020
Global and Planetary Change

The eruptive history, magmatic evolution, and influence of glacial ice at long-lived Akutan volcano, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA
Coombs, M.L., and Jicha, B.R., 2020
GSA Bulletin

Volcanoes and climate: the triggering of preboreal Jökulhlaups in Iceland
Van Vliet-Lanoë, B., et al., 2020
International Journal of Earth Sciences

Seismic ground vibrations give advanced early-warning of subglacial floods
Eibl, E., et al., 2020
Nature Communications

Investigating potential icequakes at Llaima volcano, Chile
Lamb, O.D., et al., 2020

A high resolution 40Ar/39Ar lava chronology and edifice construction history for Tongariro volcano, New Zealand
Pure, L.R., et al., 2020
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

The glaciovolcanic evolution of the Copahue volcano, Andean Southern Volcanic Zone, Argentina-Chile
Baez, A.D., et al., 2020
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Formation conditions and mechanical properties of aggregates produced in tephra–water–snow flows
Niiya, H., et al., 2020
Earth, Planets, Space

Glaciovolcanic emplacement of an intermediate hydroclastic breccia-lobe complex during the penultimate glacial period (190–130 ka), Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand
Cole, R.P., et al., 2020
GSA Bulletin

Glacial pumping of a magma-charged lithosphere: A model for glaciovolcanic causality in magmatic arcs
Wilson, A.M, Russell, J.K., 2020
Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Magmatism in Antarctica and its relation to Zealandia
Smellie, J.L., et al., 2020
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

Ocean-rafted pumice constrains postglacial relative sea-level and supports Holocene ice cap survival
Farnsworth, W.R., et al., 2020
Quaternary Science Reviews

Glaciers and glaciation of North Island, New Zealand
Eaves, S.R., and Brook, M.S., 2020
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geopysics

The interaction between concentrated pyroclastic density currents and snow: a case study from the 2008 mixed-avalanche from Volcán Llaima (Chile)
Breard, E.C.P., et al., 2020
Bulletin of Volcanology

Morphometry of glaciovolcanic edifices from Iceland: Types and evolution
Pederson, G.B.M., et al., 2020

Tectonism and volcanism enhanced by deglaciation events in southern Iceland
Van Vliet-Lanoë, B., et al., 2020
Quaternary Research

Compaction of Hyaloclastite from the Active Geothermal System at Krafla Volcano, Iceland
Eggertsson, G.H., et al., 2020

Holocene volcanism at the Quetrupillán Volcanic Complex (39°30’ S, 71°43’ W), southern Chile
Simmons, I.C., et al., 2020

Geomorphology and surface geology of Mount St. Helens volcano
Gabrielli, S., et al., 2020
Journal of Maps

Source and behavior of pyroclastic density currents generated by Vulcanian-style explosions of Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) on 22 January 2001
Macía, J.L., et al., 2020
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Recent Basal Melting of a Mid‐Latitude Glacier on Mars
Butcher, F.E.G., et al., 2020
JGR Planets

Late Amazonian Ice Survival in Kasei Valles, Mars
Hepburn, A.J., et al., 2020
JGR Planets

δD and δ18O variations of the magmatic system beneath Deception Island volcano (Antarctica): Implications for magma ascent and eruption forecasting
Álvarez-Valero, A.M., et al., 2020
Chemical Geology

Book chapters (2020)

A 3 m.y. record of volcanism and glaciation in northern British Columbia, Canada
Edwards, B.R. et al., 2020
The Geological Society of America Special Paper 548

The role of volcanism in the making of Antarctica
Smellie, J.L., 2020
Paleoclimatology and Climate Change: Past Antarctica, Chapter 4