A User-Run Project

How to Have Your Lions/Cats/Hyenas/Foxes Included:

Fill out the form below for each lion/cat/hyena/fox you wish to include and send it to Dagger77#0612 on Discord (preferred) or Firedancer77 on Chickensmoothie. Having one of your kids added is completely free; you can leave sections of the form blank, though it is preferred that you don't. Alternatively, you can send a link to your storage, and the information will be gathered and filled out for you, but in this case, it will be the lowest priority. You can pick and choose which ones to include in this deal if you don't want to include all of them. A total will always be provided before any submission occurs.

Name: (Name)
Owner: (Your CS username)
Link: (to their CS page)
Pride: (can be the name of a subpride if you have them/want to be more specific)
Adopt Type: (Main, Founder, Custom, MYO, Orphan, Nursery, Nursery MYO, or Event)
Color(s): (Design colors)
Hex Codes: (Hex codes)
Markings: (None, Spots, Stripes, etc - feel free to message if you have any questions)
Eye Color(s): (Eye color)
Eye Hex Codes: (Hex codes)
Gender: (Gender)
Sexuality: (Sexuality - feel free to put Undecided if you don't know or don't want to have one listed)
Breeding Slots: (# of times they can still breed)
Up For Trade: (Yes, No, or Maybe)
Open for OOC Breedings: (Yes, No, or Maybe)
Open for IC Breedings: (Yes, No, or Maybe)
Species: (Lion, Cat, Hyena, or Fox - if a halfblood or fullblood, list that species instead)
Blood: (Fullblood, Halfblood, or None)
Edits: (Any edits or none - if they are scarred and/or have items, list as scars and/or accessories)
Mane Type: (None, Normal, Elegant, Half, Back, Halloween Event '19, Halloween Event '20, Yeti, Trinity Tree, or Custom)
Theme Song: (Name and Artist, keep it CS appropriate, put None if they don't have one - you can list multiple)
Number: (Adopt Number - if an MYO, Nursery MYO, or Event, reference the archives for their official number)
Artist: (Artist's CS username)