The Vocal Suspects

Who are the Vocal Suspects?

The Vocal Suspects is the oldest (and funkiest) mixed a cappella group at UMass Amherst. Founded in 1999, The Vocal Suspects have always had a reputation of blending contagious energy with adept musicality. Our arrangements are innovative and electrifying, and over the past two decades, we have continuously reshaped our sound to incorporate the new talent that is brought in each year.

What defines the Vocal Suspects? Aside from being self-arranging, self-choreographing, and brimming with enthusiasm for a cappella, all members share two essential characteristics; a deep love for music performance and for one another. The 'Spects are unique in our ability to balance the dichotomy of being a close-knit musical family and a group that prides itself in professionalism and excellence.

The Vocal Suspects have developed an ever-evolving repertoire of songs that keeps our performances fresh and our audience members in awe. However, the group ultimately maintains our cutting-edge sound by electing to sing songs that we enjoy ourselves. Above all, the Vocal Suspects are all about bringing positive energy and good music to wherever we are called.

To keep up with everything 'Spects, click the links below!

What We've Been Up To

The Vocal Suspects were nominated for a CARA!

2019 Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award​

Best Mixed Collegiate Album - Into the Blue

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