YEAR 2017-2018

Department of Computer Science has conducted following activities:

1. Conducted a Seminar On “Importance of LINUX and Open Source Software Red-Hat Technology”, delivered by Ms. Rutuja Sontakke, MIT Aurangabad, on 9th August 2017 @12:30 PM.

2. On 18th January 2018 conducted a “Presentation Competition” to give the chance to the students to show their potentials, encourage student’s stage courage & remove stage phobia, at THAUPANAHALL @ 12.00 PM. Total 13 groups were participated in presentation competition. For this Competition Dr. Nilima Wahegaokar and Dr. Jagdish Bharad work as Reviewer.

3. On 20th Jan 2018, department has conducted “Workshop on Java Technology” by Deva-i Technologies @ 12:30 PM, Hall No 01, New Building (Self finance). Session has started by Mr. Anirudha Jadhav Sir (Director) mainly focus on:

  • Generation of languages,

  • Why programming language are updated as well as different between C with JAVA & C++,

  • How software developed,

  • Java editions (J2SE) (J2EE) (J2ME) Java 2 platform.

Total 68 students were attended this workshop.

4. On 22nd January 2018 students of B.C.A. Management Science has visited to IIFL (India Infoline Ltd.) as part of Industry visit. Total 15 Students are participated this visit. India Infoline Limited is a Brokering Company which invest in Stock Market.

5. On 9th Feb 2018, department has conducted the session on “Final Project Demo”, to give the idea, about Project presentation and demonstration. Total 14 group and 32 Student presented PPT & Final Project. Every group Focus on Scope of project, objectives & aims of project including DFD, ER Diagram, future Scope of project.

6. On 10th Feb. 2018, total 12 students were participated in “C-Champion”, “Web Masters” competition and attended “Android Warrior”, workshop in Euphoria Technical Event at JNEC College, Aurangabad.

7. On 12th Feb 2018 students of B.Sc. Computer Science and B.Sc. Opt has visited to “Splash InfoTech Pvt. Ltd”, as part of Industry Visit. Total 17 students were attended the session .

All sessions, workshop was successfully conduct under the guidance of Principal Dr. Milind Ubale Sir, Registrar Smt. Seema Wadte Madam, Mr. R. R. Jadhav Sir, and all teaching & non-teaching staff of Computer Science department.