Hi, rsession: no process found is just saying that there are no R session currently running, so it doesn't necessarily mean that your RStudio server is not running. Can you try: sudo rstudio-server status?

After I've reinstalled everything and suddenly everything works. I had tried to reinstall rstudio server before without removing the /etc/rstudio folder, which could have been the conflicting one.

Now I can access everything and connect from a remote machine. However, I'm still not sure what caused this.

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I've installed open R studio server on an Ubuntu computer. While physically at this computer, I can go to a web browser and access R studio server. However, I'm having trouble accessing it remotely from other computers. I've done the following:

Once you have finished entering the required information, the screen will now show the progress of the installer. Ubuntu Server now installs a concise set of useful software required for servers. This cuts down on the install and setup time dramatically. Of course, after the install is finished, you can install any additional software you may need.

The Ubuntu community, for both desktop and server, is one of the friendliest and most well populated you can find. That means if you get stuck, someone has probably already seen and solved the same problem.

I would like to know which web panel Ubuntu recommends on an Ubuntu VPS ? Will it be possible at some point that server edition ships with a web panel ( from Ubuntu or 3rd party like Gnome as in desktop ) in the basic installation ? Thanks.

I spent a lot of time yesterday searching for instructions to setup an Astroneer dedicated linux server, and didn't find anything easy to follow. I did finally get it working, and thought I'd post some info in case it helps others. Linux and Windows users should be able to connect to your server with this setup.

Please note! Both the server and clients need to make a minor change in the Astroneer configuration files. So this is best for setting up a server for friends who you can instruct on what to change. I HAVE ONLY TESTED THIS A LITTLE -- but I can connect, progress in the world saves, can play with friends, etc. Seems fine so far.

Disclaimer: I'm a programmer by trade and familiar with linux command line. All of this was done via terminal. You need SSH access / sudo access / full access to your server. This is not a comprehensive guide, just most the pieces you need in one place. This is a 'hack' following some advice from the Astroneer Discord that disables encryption to let the windows server run on linux, so it's not supported and might stop working at some point. I found this info here: Discord post but I had to login, join the channel, etc, which was a tiny hassle.

Once steamcmd is setup, you need to get into the steamcmd terminal and run some commands. For , I used /home/steam/astroneer_server because I want all my games in the steam users home directory, but you can use whatever you want that the steam user has access to. If you use the home directory you need to write it out, not use the ~/ shortcut. For use your steam username. It's IMPORTANT you use the commands below to install the Windows version of the game on your machine.

That's it for configuration edits. The first time you connect to this server as the above user, you can set some server options (like password, number of players) via the server admin interface in the game itself.

Change all the "Starbound" values to reflect the appropriate fields for Astroneer. For the ExecStart value, make sure you're using Wine to run the windows server file. Mine looks like this, but ADJUST to reflect actual install install directory

I'll assume if you read this far / got this far, you have some plans for interacting with the server so you don't always need to use the command line. You can use visudo to give specific ubuntu users like steam or www-data permissions to run your systemctl custom service. This can play nicely with a web interface or whatever.

The steps below were done using a clean Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS server install. This install is actually running inside of a Virtual Machine within UNRAID with GPU passthru. I will post a blog/topic later on how to set that up as well. My GPU is an Nvidia 1080Ti. If you run bare metal Ubuntu, then you can use these instructions. If you run a Virtual Machine that enables GPU passthru, then you can also run these instructions.

For my setup, running Ubuntu server, I do not use a browser on the Ubuntu machine, so I do not start Jupyter notebook with one. I also port forward 8889 on the Ubuntu machine to my local host as port 8888. So the following command takes that into account:

A bit confusing, because in this page ( -peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html) it says: " While Canonical announces autoinstall as a server installer, it can be used to install both server and desktop systems ."

Perhaps you could try using Network Manager or Wicd. While Network Manager does have a few GUI dependencies which you might dislike having on a headless server, connecting to wifi is quite simple. For a hotspot setup by my Android phone (called Android AP), I could connect using:

@Odil Thank you very much.

I am also trying to Set up ODK Central on an Ubuntu 16.4 Server at the amazon server

I installed instance ubuntu-xenial-16.04 as per installing-elsewhere Now i want to install docker.

I didn't get any step by step guide? it is inside the ubuntu 16.04 instance? how to do this? read steps provided for Digital occen but can not relate to Amazon ES server. Please guide me. How to install docker and after that ODK central?

Hi @kadam.sagar98, are you setting up a new Amazon EC2 server? Is there a reason you are using 16.04? It should be possible to pick a newer version of Ubuntu.

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Lastly install the missing components needed to run Zabbix again

apt-get install --only-upgrade zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-agent zabbix-apache-conf

apt-get install zabbix-server-mysql

apt install php

apt install php-gd php-ldap openipmi fping php-mbstring php-bcmath

Hi, I just go my hardware. A NUC with N3700 CPU, 4GB RAM and 120GB SSD. I have decided on Linux. I have some(not a lot) experience with Linux from the Raspberry Pi and configuring my web sites on a hosted server.

That looks good, I believe.

Maybe a better question: what exactly do you mean by nothing?

In the terminal there should indeed be nothing anymore, in other words you

would expect simply the system prompt.

What happens if you go connect to the openhab server in a browser

The address is:

with the ip Number of your machine that runs openhab. Do

you see any error messages?

When you first create a new Ubuntu 20.04 server, you should perform some important configuration steps as part of the initial setup. These steps will increase the security and usability of your server, and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent actions.

Accept the warning about host authenticity if it appears. If you are using password authentication, provide your root password to log in. If you are using an SSH key that is passphrase protected, you may be prompted to enter the passphrase the first time you use the key each session. If this is your first time logging into the server with a password, you may also be prompted to change the root password.

Note: If your servers are running on DigitalOcean, you can optionally use DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls instead of the UFW firewall. We recommend using only one firewall at a time to avoid conflicting rules that may be difficult to debug.

Applications can register their profiles with UFW upon installation. These profiles allow UFW to manage these applications by name. OpenSSH, the service allowing us to connect to our server now, has a profile registered with UFW.

This is probably not a "solution", but it's how I was able to get some data off my ubuntu server VM. I set up a simple php file upload script on one of my servers, then shot the file up to it via curl. As soon as I was done I removed it.

I am having some wierd issues with Apache2 server on my ubuntu server. I believe some configuration files may have been tampered with. What is the easiest way to remove apache2 completely from my server. I am aware of how to install by using

The agent is installed on the linux server and is running. I have checked this out and I am comfortable in saying so. The server itself was also rebooted after the install. I have also confirmed the beoper group is created and a user named "backup" is added to the group.

When attempting to add the server in Backup Exec the opertaion cannot be completed. I have tried using DNS, IP and the FQDN of the server. Each time it fails with the same message. I am able to ping the server by IP and DNS.

The Ubuntu server didn't have a firewall running but it did have IP tables. I added the port 10000 to this. I still had the same issue. I then disabled IP Tables and attempted once again. Once again I had the same problem.

I have used the Backup Exec debug tool but I don't see anything obvious in here to point out the problem. One of the error codes is the problem I see in the GUI "The server was unable to complete the requested operation"

I installed the agent on another linux server to check it wasn't anything I was doing and this added first time. I found out the Zabbix installation adds some weird rules to the iptables. I cleared these running the below commands.

That seems to have got me a stpe further. Samba had been using port 10000. It has now been removed. The service beremote had also been causing a problem. This has been stopped and when running the debug I can see NDMP listener starts on port 10000. The next problem is connecting to the media server on 6101. I have confirmed this port is open from the Windows machine. I am able to telnet to it. e24fc04721

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