Alternatively, you can run Steampipe in service mode. Running steampipe service start will run Steampipe as a local service, exposing it as a database endpoint for connection from any Postgres-compatible database client.

When you run steampipe service start, Steampipe will start in service mode. Steampipe prints connection information to the console that you can use in connection strings for your application or 3rd party tools:

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Hello. I have several hosts in a pool that had shutdown unexpectedly after power had gone out and the the UPS exhausted it's backup power. When power was restored, the hosts all booted into Maintenance Mode. This has happened more than once. Since the domain controllers and DHCP server are virtual and didn't start because the hosts were in Maintenance Mode, no one could get their address if DHCP. Is there a way to have the hosts boot to the state they were in prior to power going out?

Lots can g wrong when the power fails, including disk corruption and with it, the loss of settings, VM data, etc. It's always a good idea to have backups of everything, including the server/pool metadata, VM storage and settings, network and storage configurations, etc.

I have installed ownCloud via Portainer on my Home Assistant. After doing an update I am now seeing a message of the ownCloud instance currently being in maintenance mode, of which it has been for a long time and I am unable to access my ownCloud.

That being said. I have an unattended automation that has to run an application in admin mode. If you do this and try to run the bot while using service mode it cannot see the application. However if you run it in user mode it will work. We plan on having many more bots in the future. What is the real differences between user and service mode. Is it ok to run in User mode evnen with a large deployment?

@loginerror @Pablito - Any chance you could seek out some feedback internally on best practices here in the cases where an application is required to run in an elevated admin mode and how that could be handled with unattended robots? (Ideally minimizing the security compromises)

I have installed UiPath licensed version few months back, and created a workflow based on our requirement the workflow is working as expected when running it manually means in attended mode, but while running it through unattended mode it is getting failed.

can someone help us with this issue? also after installation how to check if Robot in Service Mode or User Mode

In order to help you as quickly as possible, before clicking Create Topic please provide as much of the below as you can. Feel free to use a pastebin service for logs, otherwise either indent short log examples with four spaces:

Hi @SPOautos, during an update nextcloud automatically went into Maintenace mode, after the upgrade you have the choice to keep it on or turn it off. But in your case, the upgrade has broken so you need to use a terminal on your physical machine to restart the upgrade of nextcloud.

The path to Duplicati-server.sqlite (as opposed to job databases) can be found indirectly by looking at setup, which is not quite as nice but gets you there. For example, if Windows Services App shows you run as the SYSTEM default, then it uses the SYSTEM profile, which Windows unfortunately clears for version upgrade.

This folder is probably not heavily protected compared to SYSTEM profile, but you can test your file access, and look at file dates. Duplicati-server.sqlite date will update on job edits, backup runs, and similar activities.

None of this should be necessary to deal with unless you desire a web UI password. For setup, maybe turn that off in GUI Settings while getting TrayIcon going. After that, if you want one, further changes are required, such as --webserver-password=, or setting up file access so it read from the database directly.

The basic method to have TrayIcon NOT start its own server is --no-hosted-server on its command line.

Without a password, it should just connect and stay (but beware that Windows may set it as a hidden icon).

Hi TS678, working with duplicates and modifying profile from user to Service and changing the parameters, I think I understood the dilemma.

In my opinion, if I change the path where the data is saved with the command - server-datafolder = duplicate at startup finds its database, but the paths of the database saved focus on the old route.

If there is actually a service involved here, the which-folder issue gets worse because I think service installer command will do the usual and run the latest version, but point to itself for Windows service.

This Nextcloud instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while.

This page will refresh itself when the Nextcloud instance is available again.

Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly.

Thank you for your patience.

Really appreciate the quick response. And I apologize that my additional edits to my post were not saved prior. I was able to turn maintenance mode off as you suggested; however, I quickly received a note that an upgrade was required. Upon running the upgrade, I receive the error below:

We are using interworx for a half year now without any problems. Today, from 3 AM, one of our machines started an update via yum, and it got stuck. Half hour ago, i tried to reboot the server, but the problem stayed, we cannot reach nodeworx nor siteworx. The websites are running, and we can log in via SSH, but we dont know what to do.

In our situation an update of iworx core started this morning 3 AM. We saw it at 9 AM. So we mentioned something failed. We finished yum transactions by killing and rerunning yum update , and then rebooted server twice. Now yum saying no update, but the problem persists, Maintenance mode. The hosted websites running tho, but we couldnt do any config in the nodeworx, and its starting to be a a bigger problem now cuz our customers needs modifications

It looks like there was an issue with the latest release candidate. The development team is still investigating the issue, but it appears that an rpm command was run during the yum update process, which hung since yum locked the rpm database. Please submit a support ticket with remote assistance and the server IP for all affected servers and we will finish the upgrade steps.

I've looked for maintenance.htm, and it's not present. I've tried shutting down Moodle server, rebooting the computer, no luck. I tried taking a nap, but that didn't help either (didn't hurt, though).

Does your theme include a page header that you've hidden or disabled? I'm using a variant of the Formal White theme. With maintenacne mode enabled, above the maintenance message in the upper left corner is my site logo. In the upper right corner is the standard logged in identifier with a Login link. These are both in the page header. So if the header were hidden (as part of the theme) I'd be stuck and need to modify the theme to gain access.

Just for any that encounters this later, to clarify what Ken said, when you add that line in the config.php, it does then allow you to login. When you go to the Settings > Site administration > Server > Maintenance mode, you will see that it is disabled, and a comment says that it is disabled in the config.php. With that screen still open, you can then change and save the config.php file, and then enable and disable the Maintenance mode in MOodle, and that comment will go away.

If it's not 'sorted out' in Linux, it's not 'sorted out' in Windows. :\ It's same code either way, just that command line is something Linux users don't object to very often. Now I don't admin any server that runs Windows (ok, call me a linux bigot ... I confess!). But, how about the direct link shown on the 'work-around-links' @

To my way of thinking, even Windows server administrators should appreciate the scripts in admin/cli/ cause using them in combination with git, the scripts can be included in a powershell script (couldn't they?) to run cron, backup the site code, do a mysql dump of the DB, put site in maintenance mode, pull new code via git, upgrade, and then take site out of maintenance mode. One can literally update the moodle in a matter of minutes and browser/web services issues are taken out of the loop.

I can get into tty1 and I tried to start, stop and restart the service there but it still doesn't start.I also tried to start the desktop environment with startx but it doesn't work, only works in sudo mode and takes me into the sudo user.

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a standard, not an application. There are many different applications available that can function as VNC servers. TightVNC is a mature, freely-available option that has existed since 2001.

Since VNC is a protocol, it is cross-platform compatible, meaning Windows VNC clients can connect to and control Linux or OSX VNC servers, and vice versa, etc. VNC clients and servers from different companies often work together as well, though some companies develop proprietary versions.

A great deal of free/open source VNC applications exist for many Linux distributions. Most have TightVNC available in their own repositories and installing it involves running some derivative of install tightvncserver.

Maintenance mode is for preventing any users other than administrators from using the site while maintenance is taking place, though it's not designed to prevent user access during version upgrades.

When users attempt to access a course when your site is in maintenance mode, they obtain a message informing them that the site is in maintenance mode. If you wish, you can create a customized maintenance mode message, perhaps stating when the site will be available again or giving the reason for doing maintenance.

Admins can enable CLI maintenance mode by adding a file $CFG->dataroot/climaintenance.html. If it exists, this file will be sent to the navigator instead of the standard Moodle home page.The difference from the standard maintenance mode is that all web access is prevented, CLI scripts continue to work (with the exception of admin/cli/cron.php). This CLI maintenance mode is often used during CLI version upgrades. e24fc04721

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