downloaded the remote console 11.2.0 and installed on a server 2012 R2 vm- I can use vcenter and the web console, but when i launch the remote console it says Address Unresolvable. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, tried chrome, firefox and IE. Other stuff on the vm is viewable through this console, CPU, RAM, etc, but no display. A different server with an older version of the remote console works. I've tried googling this but nothing makes much sense - I can't mess with a plugin library on vcenter and reregister things on there.

"For those combinations fall into the 443 (port) category, by default, VMware Remote Console requires direct access to port 443 on ESXi hosts. If VMware Remote Console cannot reach port 443 on a host, for example due to firewall rules, VMware Remote Console will be unable to access or pass through a remote device to virtual machines on that host."

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I have not seen a solution to this and I had the same problem in my environment on a couple of VMs with 'Address Unresolvable' when launching remote console. It turned out, in my case, that I needed to add the VM host names and IPs into DNS so that the VMs would open in remote console.

I agree. I have Workstation on my machine for specific reasons, but don't really want to use it for my remote console. After installing Workstation 12, my VMRC got taken over as well, and hopefully this will work to resolve for me as well, as I want to go back to using the Remote Client for what it was designed for. I too with Workstation had a Preference or configuration option to control this.

and 7 years later, every, single, patch and install of Workstation continues to overwrite the regkey for using VMRC to open the console. VMWARE, PLEASE STOP DOING THIS WITH WORKSTATION. For professionals who work in vCenter all day, this is not a desirable feature and honestly it's freaking annoying. Either prompt during the install wizard, or leave the regkey as it is. It's damned aggravating.

I just got the message that there's a new version of the vmware remote console available. I installed version 11.0 on both a Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012R2 and now I'm unable to connect to the console of my VM's anymore.

If I start the Console, it opens up fine but with a black screen. after some time I get an error: Connection error. I can pause, stop, start the VM from the console without problems, but I don't have any visible console, just a black screen. (vCenter used is 6.7.0)

In our latest release of capabilities with vRealize Automation Cloud we have introduced a feature that was once only available in our on-premise vRealize Automation solution. This is the ability to console into vSphere deployed virtual machines directly from vRealize Automation Cloud. This capability allows you to give uses of vRealize Automation Cloud access to console into their deployed workloads in vSphere without having to give them direct access to vCenter. A great way to provide full access but keep governance and security controls in your environment. Below I will walk through on how to use remote console for vRealize Automation Cloud.

The new remote console in vRealize Automation Cloud can be accessed from the deployment details screen from either Service Broker or Cloud Assembly. First click on the Deployment tab in either service and then select the specific vSphere deployment that hosts the virtual machine you want to access.

Somehow Chrome and Firefox are replacing the ESXi server ip address by the login name. I guess the consoles launched by both browsers are trying to connect to a host called "root" (which of course does not exist) instead of the host's IP address.

The VMware HTML Console SDK enables you to add basic plugin-independent virtual machine console functionality to an existing web user interface running on VMware vSphere and vCloud Director. Through the functionality enabled by the SDK, users can interact with the virtual machine console through keyboard and mouse input.

With the deprecation of the Netscape Plug-in API (NPAPI), we encourage current users of the VMware Remote Console plugin-based SDK to move toward adopting the HTML Console SDK, which is compatible with vSphere versions 6.0 and later, and offers vCloud Director virtual machine console APIs as a tech preview. Client and guest keyboards supported: US English, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (pt_pt), French, Swiss-French, and Swiss-German.

I've got a VI 3.5 u2/VC 2.5 u2 installation, when I boot a VM and open a console to it I can see that the response of the screen update in the console is very very slow. If I PXE boot a VM to provision it it can take 15-45 seconds before my key presses appear via the remote console.

Hi - This is usually and indication that there is a network issue with the service console or the CPU usage is fairly high on the host. What speed network is connected to your service console? What is the host CPU usage?

Not only the network perfomance, you may need to check the machine you launch the virtual infrastructure client, as the VI client take up a lot of resources and it could be the potential to slow down the console. 1 good example that sometimes you may feel slow when you log in through the console from VI client, but when you RDP to the server 2003 console using mstsc /admin, you found the speed is fast and your VM actually is performing as usual.

I should add I guess that I'm using a hugely complicated mecahnism to get to the VC (the joys of the government proivate network and a secure data centre), so I've now had one of the chaps go into the data centre and try it directly form the VC console in the rack - still the same issue.

Thanks for your responses, and apologies for not responding earlier but I've been working flat-out on this problem all week! It looks like we might have traced our remote console problem...the VI client/web client gets upset when run on our windows builds which run on top of SUN x4600 M2s. As it happens this is the only platform we had available; I have now managed to find another platform, and the VI client/web access remote console work fine from that.

In a nustshell, there is a choice of hardware timers that a WIndows platform can choose as it boots - this decision is made according to the chipset features etc. Anyway, on an AMD multi-processor system (mine had 4 x dual core processors) if I don't use the /usepmtimer switch on the boot.ini then the VI client/web access goes seriously pear-shaped when trying to do a remote console session.

You can connect a removable USB device such as a USB flash drive or a USB HDD attached to your local machine to a remote VM running on an ESXi host by using VMware Remote Console. This functionality is available via the USB passthrough feature.

When the command execution is finished, the number of installed packages is displayed in PowerShell. If you see The install of vmrc was successful, you can close this PowerShell console window and use VMware Remote Console.

If you have issues when trying to uninstall VMRC, you can perform the following actions. Open the /etc/vmware-installer/database file in DB Explorer for SQLite. Locate the component_dependencies table. Delete the row that contains vmware-usbarbitrator>=17.1.1.

I know that there are browser plugins, that allows to connect to VMware virtual machine remote console.

But is it possible to make similar console on website? (using for example JavaScript or some framework) That on my website I will have some frame, which behaves like VMware remote console.

I have all VM information (IP of VMware host, login credentials, VM UUID and IP).

So feed this feedback to your VMWare contacts. The more customers complain, the better the chance that VMWare would change their console access behavior. All other hypervisors have a solution for this.

I am having an issue with KeePass not auto-typing if a VMware console is open on my desktop. If a VMware console has taken focus of my keyboard and mouse (and subsequently returned focus to windows) KeePass auto-type will not work until the VMware Console has been closed. This problem happens when i try the Control,Alt+A hotkey and when i right click on a KeePass entry and select Perform Auto-Type.

I can consistently reproduce the problem as follows:

1. open KeePass and a browser - auto-type works

2. open a VMware Client tool (vSphere Client or Server Client) - auto-type works

3. open a virtual console in the VMware client tool - auto-type works

4. give focus to the virtual console (click in it and type anything) and then press ctrl+alt to give focus back to windows - autotype failes

5. close the virual console - auto-type works again.

It happens from the VM's command line login with and without vmware tools, and from the VM's GUI with vmware tools installed. I don't have a VM with a GUI and without vmware tools at the moment but I could create one if it'd help.

I have the same problem. If i connect to a virtual machine with the vsphere client the auto-type function is not working. if i close the console (connection) to the virutal machine auto-type is working. The problem is not the vsphere client, it is the connection to the virtual machine with the vsphere client.

the solution with the rdc autotypeandTCATO is not working for me

The following error was observed after connecting and authenticating to vCenter, when the screen was populated with objects. I also could not then connect to any VM console as it said it was disconnected.

Before connecting to a VM on a remote host, you have to first install VMRC on your computer. And on Windows, there are a few ways you can install VMRC. Whether using the GUI or command-line, VMRC got you covered.

It offers a full blown web interface that allows you to manage your ESXi instance like you would via vSphere Client on Windows except it works on all platforms and offers the same remote control functionality. e24fc04721

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