After that I've launched the horizon client and noticed theres an update so i clicked on it. It downloaded but failed to install. The strange thing its completly deleted my old version so i had to download the latest version from the vmware page and try to install again. Which obviously failed again.

Unfortunately no. The View environment is only about 5 months old and we have been experiencing this problem from the start. However, we have one user that is running the Horizon client off an HP Thinclient with embedded Linux, that has not experienced the problem. All other users are running on Windows 7 32bit. I'm not sure if that's a clue yet or not. I'm trying to get a few more users on Linux distro's to test that theory. (But this would not explain why thousands of companies are using Horizon perfectly fine on their Windows environments and I cant)

Vmware Horizon Client 2111.1 Download


Update, I moved a few users to a Linux distro and installed the Horizon client on those. Those users also experience the periodic freezing. So we can confirm that it is not the host PC or the OS. Again, during the freeze, there are no signs of high CPU or Memory usage on the host PC or the VM.

Interesting this was posted because I experience this as well... Horizon 6.1.1 here. But I only experience this with my Dell Venue with the windows client. If I'm using my P25 zero client it doesn't do it. But I see the same issues sometimes where the VM freezes up but I can move the mouse and even minimize the VM session and look at the local Dell Venue and everything seems fine...I always just chalked it up to the thin client causing it or a network lag somewhere. We are also using an all flash storage.

This sounds like packet loss on pcoip or the old issue from 5.1/5.2 when the rx queue would fill up, it doesn't take much packet loss for the screen to freeze for the 3-5 secs. Are you able to upload the support logs from a client which has experienced the issue?

My organization just upgraded VMware servers and I am having the same issue with my local client install. I have nearly identical specs to what you presented here only with newer NVidia drivers. Was there ever a fix to your issue?

I was typing in the notepad++ and the screen just froze, no longer accepting inputs, cannot change screens.

This stays this way for about 30 seconds to a minute and then I get booted to the view client screen to log back into the desktop pool

I am able to get back into the desktop after about a minute or two and it logs me back into the exact same desktop with all the windows I had open, remained open

However, I actually faced this exact issue a few months ago. New versions of Horizon and the Horizon client just don't offer any love for multiple 4k monitors. In the logs, you will see multiple entries for "unsupported display types/resolution." Instead, uninstall Horizon Client 2111 and drop in 2103.

Should be smooth going from there unless it is resource constraints in the datacenter.

I upgraded to 8.4 server about a month ago and clients are using 8.0 in some cases and 8.8 in others for the full client and some are on the web client. It doesn't seem to matter what client or server I am running. Also the issue is very intermittent and seems to only effect a small sub set of users. At the moment since 99% of my users connect from remote locations across the US and Canada I'm incline to point the finger at there ISP or issues on the internet.

It is only affecting users connecting from the internet. A difference being we have provided all remote users with full Windows PC's with Horzion client installed for access to the VDI. We verified all users have at least 25mbps internet connections and all are using the blast protocol. I was also inclined to blame ISP's, but now I am not so sure.

We are still facing this issue on 2212, running view client 2303. Some of out clients we can attribute to a memory utilization issue on the thinclient and adding more ram has bought us some time. We had to look the PID table and system logs to see that the view client or a component of it was being killed by OOM on these devices. What attributes to the high usage is still to be determined. We even tried to run with no client re-directions and all plugins disabled, but it still happens.

I also kept refreshing the Programs and Features during installation. All of the Visual C++ install fine, Horizon View client also shows up in the programs list but the machine is then force rebooted. After restarting Horizon View is no longer in the programs list and only re-appears after MDT resumes the install.

I am not a techy. So I might need this spelled out a little bit for me. I work from home and I use a VM horizon client app of sorts to log into my work system.. shared drives, databases ect. No separate VPN, log in. Although I do subscribe to Nord on said personal computer, and I have it running.

Can the IT department see what I have on my personal desktop? Can they see that I might be watching a football game on the background (not on the work/horizon browser. Can they tell what device I am using to log into the system?

The VMware View Session Enhancement Software Development Kit (SDK) allows software engineers to write host-side and client-side applications and allow communications between a clients and remote desktop. The Session Enhancement SDK is comprised of a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API and Overlay API.

The RPC API provides an asynchronous, callback driven communications channel between applications running on the remote desktop and a plugin running on the client endpoint. The RPC API also handles marshaling / un-marshaling of parameters. The Overlay API solves the problem of displaying rendered images on the client so that they appear to the user to be a local window on the remote desktop.

To workaround the non-support, edit the "Exec" line in /usr/share/applications/vmware-view.desktop by adding env GTK_THEME= before the rest of the command. Replace with a theme on your system. breeze worked for me.

From James Kirkum, Jr.

- Enter the server address in the Safari browser address line. It should

look something like: vmware-view://your.server.address/YourPoolName

- Hit return, and it will ask you the application to open, cancel or

select the VMWare Horizon View Client if you want to test.

- In Safari, select the blue dot icon next to the address and drag it to

the desktop. This will create a .inetloc file.

- Rename the .inetloc file to Launch Windows or something like that, and

give it a spiffy new icon.

- Drop the new Launch Windows shortcut on the desktop or throw it in the

Applications folder and Dock.

- Click on the shortcut to verify it results in launching VMWare Horizon

View Client and bypassing the select pool dialog.

I have tried imaging a machine, installing VMWare Horizon, configuring the client settings from scratch and attempting to catch what is modified when I select the default pool for a user. I have not yet been able to determine a value in the plist that sets a default pool.

Here is a sample plist file I used to build my profile:

(this reference appears to be simple history, it has no relation to a default  cn=v2-com-lounge-pool,ou=applications,dc=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int )

Users establish client connections to VMware View sessions by running the VMware View Client, through a web browser using HTML5,[9] or using a thin client that supports the protocols in use. The VMware View client supports Windows, macOS, Android, and Linux, while ChromeOS is able to connect through the web browser.

Hi All, First time posting here. We have a fairly large deployment of VMware Horizon View and we're recently migrated from our old firewalls (Fortigate) to Palo Alto and since then inbound connections to our View Platform at this site have stopped working. The basic inbound connection follows this flow:

External Client --> Palo Alto External --> Palo NAT to VIP on F5 LB --> F5 LB balance traffic to VMware UAGs --> Internal F5 LB --> F5 LB Balance Traffic to VMware Connection servers --> VMware VDI Desktops.

I have done various packet captures and it looks as though traffic is being passed through the load balancers and the return traffic is going back through the load balancers so the session should still be open on the Palo. When we connect to VDI we are presented with an RSA login prompt, this goes through successfully, the next step is to add the username and password, this just hangs and then eventually errors out.

Packet captures on the client workstation show that there is 2-way communication until the point where the client errors out.

2x things to note here, the ISP where the inbound connections enter is not the default gateway, the default gateway is another firewall (soon to be migrated to the same Palo) so inbound source translation is needed for the return traffic to work. The other is the VMware UAG's are not in a DMZ they are on the LAN/ server network.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or know of a way around this?

After installing the View client, you may connect to the server by entering as the server address. Sign in with your EIU NetID and password to establish the connection to virtual desktops to which you have been granted access. ff782bc1db

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