Statistics is the science of learning from data. Statistical knowledge helps us apply the proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct analyses and effectively present the result. It is a crucial process behind how we make discoveries in science, take decisions based on data and make predictions. Statistics allows us to understand a subject much more deeply.

Statistics is not just numbers and facts. Instead, it is an array of knowledge and procedures that help us learn from data reliably. Statistics allow us to evaluate claims based on quantitative evidence and help differentiate between valid and dubious conclusions. This aspect is particularly vital these days because data are so plentiful along with interpretations presented by people with unknown motivations.

It is used to monitor and improve the quality of products and processes within a business organization. Statistical analysis is essential for the development of social science theories being used to test their validity through a robust analysis of real-world data.

Statisticians, data analysts and other data professionals use applied statistics in every field of human activity including business, marketing, media, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing and engineering.