Studio Art

AP3D Calendar 2021-22

Supplies Required for each class:

  • Watercolor Pencils

  • 9x12 sketchbook

  • Paintbrush

  • Drawing materials

  • Glue stick

  • Student-specific media

AP Studio Art: Beginning the Sustained Investigation

Recently, the AP Studio Art course underwent a huge change. Shifting from a 24 piece portfolio consisting of a Breadth, Quality and Concentration sections, the portfolio now consists of 15 images that all relate to the Sustained Investigation (SI). The SI is similar in concept to the Concentration, but it is a more open-ended exploration of a particular path of inquiry of the students' choosing.

As students spend the entire year exploring their SI, it's crucial that they choose an inquiry that will remain engaging throughout the year. I have developed guide to help students through the process of selecting their SI topics and generate proposals for different ideas.

The sustained investigation is an inquiry-based body of work that digs deeper into the meaning by considering how experimentation of the process and synthesis of media play a significant role in the development of these works. This portion requires fifteen total images (instead of a set number of fully developed artworks) demonstrating this process, including revision.

The inquiry statement is similar to the old “concentration” in that there is a 1500 character maximum, but now includes short text options for each image to help describe the process and intentional decision making.

The selected works portion includes text descriptors to each work to give insight into the creation and meaning of each work. 3D Design works would be submitted digitally, as was the case in prior years.


60% of the exam: ​A sustained Investigation is the concept of producing a series of sequential visual works

— works growing from works -- to explore in greater depth a particular visual idea or concern.


Inquiry, Practice, Experimentation & Revision;

Materials, Processes & Ideas


Submit 15 images that demonstrate:

- Sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision.

- Sustained investigation of materials, processes, and ideas

- Synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas

- 3D skills

State the following in writing:

- Identify the questions that guided your sustained investigation

- Describe how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your questions (1200 characters maximum, including spaces, for response to both prompts)

For each image you must Identify the following:​

Materials used - state the main materials -avoid the term “mixed”. (100 characters maximum, including spaces)

Processes used - The goal of this prompt is to demonstrate inquiry, therefore students should select language that shows practice, experimentation, and revision has taken place.

What is needed is a critical rationale following the choice of materials/ method.

For example -

“I began with painting the figure while using techniques of space from Egon Shielle + used black ink to

add a layering of line and design work in the piece.”


"This diptych was inspired by the Marine Iguana, indigenous to the Galapagos Islands. I explored printmaking for this piece because it introduced an element of unpredictability of line, repetition + texture for the image.”

(100 characters maximum,including spaces)

TIP: Use symbols to max out word count - such as;

  • + for “and”

  • / for “with”,

  • = for yielding an effect

  • bold type for emphasis.

Size (height × width × depth, in inches) - For digital and virtual work, students should enter the size of the intended visual display.

AP Art and Design Selected Works Rubric Terminology

(in order of appearance in the updated AP College Board Studio Art rubric)

Written Evidence: the written components that accompany the student’s works of art and design

Visual Evidence: the visual components that make up the student’s works of art and design

Skills: abilities

Rudimentary: emerging or undeveloped

Moderate: adequate

Good: proficient

Advanced: highly developed

2D skills: use of two dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value, opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, figure/ground relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy

3D skills: use of three dimensional elements and principles - point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, space, texture, color, value, opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, figure/ground relationship, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy Drawing skills: use of mark-making, line, surface, space, light and shade, composition

Materials: physical substances used to make works of art and design Processes: physical AND conceptual activities involved with making works of art and design Ideas: concepts used to make works of art and design (that can be evident visually or in writing)

Relationships: connections

Unclear: not easily observable, discernable, or legible

Inconsistent: not demonstrated in the same way or to the same degree across works of art and design Identify: Indicate or provide information

Synthesis: coalescence/integration of materials, processes, AND ideas