Economics of Scanning: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Why should I consider the economics of film digitization?

The economics of film digitization are about more than just the cost of the equipment. You should consider the value of your time and effort, the quantity of photos you need to digitize, the longevity and maintainability of your equipment, and the satisfaction you get from DIY versus professional services. After all digitizing film is tedious and monotonous job - especially scanning part of it.

What are the costs associated with film digitization?

The initial cost of digitization includes purchasing a suitable camera, lens, and other necessary equipment like a scanning rig or light table. Ongoing costs include software subscriptions (if applicable), maintenance of your equipment, and storage for your digital files.

Consider this: the most powerful and popular software to convert color negatives scans into positive images - Negative Lab Pro perpetual license not only cost US$100 (which is very decent price given the quality of it output), but it runs on top of Adobe Lightroom Classic which requires  subscription for around US$20 / month.

Of course there is some decent free software like RawTherapy, but speed of processing is not the strong side of it.

Is it cheaper to digitize my film photos myself?

If you have a large number of photos, doing it yourself could be less expensive in the long run. However, if you only have a small batch of photos, the cost of equipment and the time investment might not be worthwhile.

How does the cost of a film scanner compare to a camera setup? 

Film scanners can range from inexpensive to very costly. Similarly, a camera setup for digitizing can have a wide cost range depending on the camera, lens, and scanning rig. In general, camera setups offer more flexibility and better quality, but may have a higher upfront cost, especially if you don't have camera body suitable for scanning. Let's consider some possible scenarios:

Camera Digitizing Costs: The essential equipment you need for camera digitizing include a digital camera, a macro lens, a copy stand or a similar setup to hold your camera and film steady, a light pad, and a film holder.

Film Scanner Costs: Dedicated film scanners come at various price points:

It's important to note that while the upfront costs are an important consideration, you should also factor in the desired quality of the results you want to achieve, the time you're willing to invest in the process, and the potential for future upgrades or changes in your setup. BTW, most of the pieces of scanning equipment typically retain good resell value.

How much time will I save by outsourcing my film digitization?

A lot! Outsourcing can save a significant amount of time, especially if you have a large volume of film to digitize. However, you will also lose some control over the process and the final results. If you enjoy the process of digitizing and have the time to spare, doing it yourself can be rewarding.

Is there a cost-effective way to digitize large volumes of film?

For large volumes, consider investing in a high-quality camera setup and solid scanning rig, which can speed up the process. Outsourcing is also an option, but costs can add up quickly for large quantities of film. Run your numbers expecting cost to be US$2 per slide or negative. There is number of cheaper scanning offering on, but you really need to do you diligence in re of end result. There are companies on the web offering digitizing services, but they give price quote by the box - rather funny method of hiding exuberant costs. Finally you can find companies which send your originals overseas - where labor is much cheaper then in USA or Europe.  This scenario truly requires cost/risk/benefit analysis. 

How much does software for film digitization cost?

Software costs can vary greatly. There are free options like Darktable and DigiKam while professional software like Adobe Lightroom or Capture One can be pricier. 

Consider this: the most powerful and popular software to convert color negatives scans into positive images - Negative Lab Pro perpetual license not only cost US$100 (which is very decent price given the quality of it output), but it runs on top of Adobe Lightroom Classic which requires  subscription for around US$20 / month.

Is it worth investing in a high-end scanning rig?

A high-end scanning rig can provide a smoother workflow, faster scanning, and better image quality, particularly for large volumes of film. However, for casual digitization or smaller quantities of film, a basic setup may be sufficient. Negative Supply is considered luxury brand anh has offering for almost any film format. 

Just for the reference here is the curated list of well known scanning rigs for camera digitizing as of Aug 2023. List is sorted by price from low to high.

If my budget is limited, which is more important for digitizing film - investing in a good lens or a good camera?

When digitizing film, both the camera and the lens play crucial roles. However, if you're working with a limited budget and have to prioritize one over the other, investing in a good lens, specifically a fixed focal length "true" macro lens, could be more beneficial.

Why? Here are a few reasons:

Of course, this advice assumes that you have a functioning camera that is compatible with the lens you're considering and capable of producing high-resolution images. If your camera is very old or has a low-resolution sensor, you might see more improvement by investing in a better camera.

I've come to realize that a bare-bones, low-cost scanning rig has cost me dearly in terms of time and labor. I have to focus and adjust every shot. What are my options if I can afford to spend up to $1000?

If you're ready to invest up to $1000 in your film digitizing process, you have a few options that can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of your results:

Remember to think of your investment not just in terms of cost but also in terms of the potential to save you time and improve your results. Conducting some research on the specific options available in your price range and reading reviews or getting advice from others who have undertaken similar projects can be very helpful.

Can I recoup the cost of my film digitization setup?

If you have a large volume of film to digitize, the cost per photo can become very reasonable over time. Additionally, some photographers have been able to monetize their setup by offering digitization services to others. Certainly all equipment, especially high-quality lens, retain a good resell value. It is not uncommon that folks finish their scanning projects and sell all their equipment as a set.  This is a good opportunity to buy - given that all pieces are known to work together. Similarly after project is complete one may sell it pretty much for the same money.