
I am a faculty member in Mathematics at New College of Florida (Assistant Professor starting fall 2024, previously visiting). 

Before Florida, I was a postdoc at EPFL working with Prof. Maryna Viazovska. My research interests lie in algebraic number theory and a good chunk of my work is related to p-adic aspects of the Langlands programme. I also enjoy thinking about how to apply ideas from arithmetic to various optimization problems such as producing good codes and sphere packings. 

You can find some of my work below, stay tuned for upcoming work on p-adic L-functions and results on packing and covering. 

 Contact: vmy_last_name@ncf(dot)edu

Papers and preprints 

 Other resources

As part of the "Bianchi" paper above, I wrote some MAGMA code to compute with Bianchi modular forms with Nebentypus. If you are interested, feel free to message me. 

Here is my google scholar page. A detailed CV is also available upon request.