
Managed by me: - Data, stimuli, and stimulus generation code for the paper: " Skeletal descriptions of shape provide unique perceptual information for object recognition." If you ever want to create your own skeletal objects, go here - Stimuli, data, and analysis code for the paper: "Skeletal representations of shape in human vision: Evidence for a pruned medial axis model" - A simple script for making rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) demo videos

Managed by others: - An open source alternative to SPSS. Particularly useful for implementing Bayesian analyses

Statistical Analysis in JASP: A Guide for Students - A guide to implementing analyses in JASP. Even more helpful, they provide a nice theoretical overview for every statistic, as well as examples for how to report each statistic - A guide to data visualization. If you aren't sure how best to present your data, this is a good starting point - Many useful tutorials for conducting fMRI analyses in FSL, FreeSurfer and others - A handy Matlab toolbox with a variety methods of computing image similarity - A repository of software and code organized by the CNBC group at Carnegie Mellon - A great repository of stimuli organized by the CNBC group at Carnegie Mellon