

Leung, Vivien. "Asian American Candidate Preferences: Evidence from California”. Forthcoming in Political Behavior. [Replication Folder]

Leung, Vivien and Daeun Song. "New Directions in Asian American Politics: Affirmative Action". Forthcoming in PS: Political Science and Politics

Masuoka, Natalie, Hahrie Han, Vivien Leung, and Bang Q. Zheng. 2018. “Understanding the Asian American Vote in the 2016 Election.” The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics: 1–27. [Google Scholar Link]

Working Papers

 “Shifting Grounds: Asian American Group Identity and Neighborhood Diversity”. 

 “Asian American Views towards Undocumented Immigrants” (with Evangel Penumaka and Jessica HyunJeong Lee). Under Review. 

“Moving Beyond Chinatown: Asian American Group: Identity and Context in the 21st Century” (with Bryan Wilcox-Archuleta).