Vivien Leung, PhD

Principal Investigator: Vivien Leung

Wave 1 Collaborators: Sara Sadhwani (Pomona College), Tanika Raychaudhuri (University of Houston), Maneesh Arora (Wellesley), Chinbo Chong (Indiana), and Nathan Chan (UC Irvine)

Wave 2 Collaborators: Natalie Masuoka

Wave 3 Collaborators: Natalie Masuoka

The Asian American Omnibus Survey (AAOS) is a collaborative data gathering project spearheaded by Vivien Leung (principal investigator). The goal of the AAOS is to (1) collect timely survey data on Asian Americans (who are less likely to be represented in political surveys) and (2) help to facilitate junior scholars in their research on Asian Americans. The first wave of the AAOS was fielded in late February of 2020 and contained a battery of questions related to Asian American political opinion and behavior. Wave 1 contains a total of ~1530 self-identified Asian Americans, with 47% foreign-born and 53% U.S. born. Toplines and demographic cross-tabulations from Wave 1 will be available soon.

Wave 2 and Wave 3 is a follow-up survey where we recontacted individuals from Wave 1 to ask about COVID-19 experiences.

If you are interested in participating in the next iteration of the AAOS please contact Vivien at vivien.leung(at)bucknell(dot)edu