Vivek Natarajan

Associate Professor

Systems and Control Engineering link

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay link

Phone: +91-22-2576-5385

Email: vivek[dot]natarajan[at]iitb[dot]ac[dot]in

CDC lab webpage


I am an associate professor in the Interdisciplinary Program in Systems and Control Engineering at IIT Bombay. I am broadly interested in problems related to dynamical systems and control theory, with particular emphasis on systems governed by partial differential equations. Some of the ongoing research in my group are on the motion planning for thermal systems and flexible structures, parameter estimation of thermal systems, observer design for nonlinear partial differential equations and vibration control in flexible structures.

For industry partners: The research activities in my group are often inspired by industrial problems. In the past, I have worked closely with the steel industry and currently I am working with a semiconductor equipment manufacturer. Please see the `Sponsored projects' page for some details. I am constantly on the look out for industrial problems that can be addressed using tools from control theory. In case you would like to speak to me about a potential problem, please drop me a mail. 

For students: The ongoing research in my group involves theoretical, computational and experimental studies. I encourage prospective postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and MTech students interested in dynamics and control to write to me outlining their interests and how they align with the research activities of the group. IIT Bombay undergraduates willing to work on problems for at least 6 months can contact me.

Research areas

Partial differential equations, flexible structures, inverse problems, adaptive control, multiagent networks, periodic systems, vibration control, output regulation.




[26th August 2024] The paper ``Nonlinear infinite-dimensional model for a two degree-of-freedom flexible wing'' with Shreyas Bharadwaj and Aditya Paranjape has been accepted for presentation at the 2025 AIAA SciTech to be held at Orlando, Florida from 6th to 10th January 2025.

[6th May 2024] Paper on ``Adaptive identification of linear infinite-dimensional systems'' with Sudipta Chattopadhyay and Srikant Sukumar has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Control

[29th April 2024] Proposal on ``Model-based control of flexible structures in spacecrafts'' submitted to ISRO jointly with Harish K Joglekar, URSC, has been approved for funding

[23rd February 2024] Delivered a talk on ``Applications of PDE modelling and control'' at the UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru

[22nd February 2024] Delivered talk titled ``Null control of a 1D parabolic PDE using flatness and semi-discretization'' at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), Bengaluru, as part of the workshop on the Recent advances on control theory of PDE systems (12/02/24 - 23/02/24)

[18th February 2024] Core Research Grant (CRG) proposal titled ``Trajectory control of 1D flexible structures'' has been approved for funding by the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF), Department of Science and Technology (DST) 

[29th December 2023] Continuum Dynamics and Control (CDC) lab had a stall in TechConnect 2023 held at IIT Bombay, where we exhibited the ongoing research in our lab including a working prototype of a flexible robotic arm

Past events link