
Computer Science is a branch of science that deals with computers as the name implies. Full form of COMPUTER is 

Computer was initially made for calculation purposes by scientists. With changing time it is involved and now we use it like any other thing like our phones. All the qualities of a computer are in our own hands, in our phones but do we know how to make it better?

For that we need to study Computer Science and take it a step ahead of its current scenario. With our responsible and guiding teachers you can achieve this goal. Not only this but you can also know what future opportunities you have in your hand in this field. 

Future holds a lot for you as a student of Computer Science… You might not know but there are many things coming up in your  way to offer you.

Data Science

This path leads you to how to prevent the site crashing or site failure due to excessive uploading of data or too much traffic on the site. We all might know the great failure of our social media app where WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook or any other app was not working at all for a whole day. None of us want this again, do we? To prevent this from happening again we need to know how this happened, what were the reasons and what can we do.

Data Scientist is a field where you need knowledge about data structure of different computer languages like C++, JavaScript, etc. Pursuing data science can lead you to data administrators, computer network architect, information research scientist, data scientist and so on and so forth.

Cyber Security 

This path is like a responsibility given to person having the knowledge of cyber risks and problems people facing online while surfing internet or searching a particular thing. As we all are aware of the online frauds related to bank accounts and computer or phone hacking, we should know at least the basics to save us but to handle this big responsibility is also a great deed to do.

Students can seek ethical hacking, applied cryptography, network security, and many. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

As the name says the technology in which machines have human mind. The thinking process is similar to humans and have humor like humans too. AI is in it's initial forms only but who knows maybe you are the one born for it to give this field what it wants or will take to be on it's glorious peak. 

Neural networks, deep learning of computer and its languages, algorithm design and vision intelligence are the branches that will help you to create the 6th generation technology.

Software Engineering

As the name says making if you are a fan of video games or use apps like Instagram or Snapchat then this field is for you. Making apps for people like you can be your forum if you like seeing people socializing and sharing their ups and downs and everything you like. Also if you want to make an app for specialized thing then too have to know about it detail, right?

Interface design methodology, embedded systems, and computer programming languages are the stones of your way that are waiting for you to turn them into gems.

IT Management

If you are into business and computer is what you call your love then why not to put them together? It management is what we are talking about. Field this is integrated with all other paths. All you need is knowledge of computer world and altogether business world too. This field is seeking your expertise as a true marwadi Indian. Prove yourself here and be what you want as a by birth businessman born in Indian.