
recorded talks

Exercises in skein-valued curve counting (2024)

Quantum mirror symmetry for the conifold, Miami (2022)

Skeins on Branes: Fields Institute (late 2019), Miami (early 2019)

Axiomatics of the wrapped Fukaya category (2018)

Sheaf quantization of the exact symplectic category (2018)

Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves (2013)

Large N duality, Homological knot invariants, rational DAHA (2012) 

Counting nodal curves (2012)

my collaborators speaking about our joint works:

Ben Gammage: Mirror symmetry near large volume (2020)

John Pardon: Floer theory in Liouville sectors I, II, III (2019)

Sheel Ganatra: Structural results on wrapped Fukaya categories (2019) 

Lenhard Ng: Recent developments in knot contact homology (2017)

Harold Williams: Cluster theory is the moduli of A-branes in 4-manifolds (2016)

Luca Migliorini: The cohomology groups of Hilbert schemes and compactified Jacobians of planar curves (2015)

Eric Zaslow: Knots, graphs, clusters (2015) and Legendrian knot categories and BPS spaces (2013)

Lothar Göttsche: Refined curve counting (2012)

Where I've spoken before.  For historical interest.  Conferences underlined and seminars italicized.

Quantization of Hitchin fibers via Floer theory

Skeins on Branes

Speculations on microlocal nonabelian Hodge thory

Sheaf quantization of the exact symplectic category

Mirror symmetry for very affine hypersurfaces / toric varieties / at large volume

Localization and axiomatization of the wrapped Fukaya category

The conormal torus is a complete knot invariant

Symplectic structures on moduli of microlocal sheaves

Cluster varieties from Legendrian knots and Weinstein 4-manifolds

Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves

Higher Discriminants

Equidistribution in the space of rank two bundles on the projective line

Refined curve counting on complex surfaces

Torus knots and the rational DAHA

Hilbert schemes of singular plane curves: Severi strata and curve counting

Hilbert schemes of singular plane curves: knot invariants
