recorded talks:
Exercises in skein-valued curve counting (2024)
Quantum mirror symmetry for the conifold, Miami (2022)
Skeins on Branes: Fields Institute (late 2019), Miami (early 2019)
Axiomatics of the wrapped Fukaya category (2018)
Sheaf quantization of the exact symplectic category (2018)
Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves (2013)
Large N duality, Homological knot invariants, rational DAHA (2012)
Counting nodal curves (2012)
my collaborators speaking about our joint works:
Ben Gammage: Mirror symmetry near large volume (2020)
John Pardon: Floer theory in Liouville sectors I, II, III (2019)
Sheel Ganatra: Structural results on wrapped Fukaya categories (2019)
Lenhard Ng: Recent developments in knot contact homology (2017)
Harold Williams: Cluster theory is the moduli of A-branes in 4-manifolds (2016)
Luca Migliorini: The cohomology groups of Hilbert schemes and compactified Jacobians of planar curves (2015)
Eric Zaslow: Knots, graphs, clusters (2015) and Legendrian knot categories and BPS spaces (2013)
Lothar Göttsche: Refined curve counting (2012)
Where I've spoken before. For historical interest. Conferences underlined and seminars italicized.
Quantization of Hitchin fibers via Floer theory
Algebraic analysis seminar, Paris, 18 Oct 2021
M-seminar, Manhattan KS (virtually), 14 Oct 2021
Skeins on Branes
Homological Mirror Symmetry, Miami, 8 April 2022
Seminar in real and complex geometry, Tel Aviv (virtually), 21 March 2022
KU Algebra / topology, Copenhagen, 25 Feb 2022
Bonn-Berlin: Algebra, Geometry, Physics (online), 16 Feb 2021
Weekly seminar, Mittag Leffler, 24 September 2020
Geometry and Analysis of Moduli Spaces, London, 9 January 2020
Workshop on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics, Toronto, 21 Nov 2019
Fukaya category and homological mirror symmetry, Beijing, 17 Aug 2019
String-Math, Uppsala, 3 July 2019
Algèbre homologique, analyse microlocale et géométrie symplectique, Montreal, 26 June 2019
Who's who in Mirror Symmetry, Moscow, 29 May 2019
T&G, Jerusalem, 26 March 2019
Algebraic structures in Low dimensional topology, Caltech, 15 March 2019
QMAP seminar, UC Davis, 22 Feb 2019
Mirror symmetry and related topics, Miami, 1 Feb 2019
Geometry seminar, Grenoble, 11 Jan 2019.
UCLA Colloquium, Los Angeles, 6 Dec 2018.
Speculations on microlocal nonabelian Hodge thory
Geometry and physics of Higgs bundles, Buenos Aires, 17 Dec 2018.
Sheaf quantization of the exact symplectic category
M-seminar, Manhattan Kansas, 19 Nov 2020
Algèbre homologique, analyse microlocale et géométrie symplectique, Montreal, 21 June 2019
Algebraic Analysis (Schapira '75), Paris, 9 April 2018.
Arborealization of Lagrangian Skeleta, AIM, 27 March 2018.
Structures in Enumerative Geometry, MSRI, 21 March 2018.
Riemann-Hilbert Correspondences, Padova, 5 Feb 2018.
Mirror symmetry for very affine hypersurfaces / toric varieties / at large volume
Mathematical Physics seminar, U. Penn, 31 Aug and 2 Sep 2021
String-Math seminar, Berkeley (online), 15 March 2021
Berkeley-Tokyo summer school, Berkeley, 23 Aug 2017.
Holomorphic curves and symplectic topology, Mittag-Leffler, 11 Aug 2017
Workshop on quantum fields, knots and integrable systems, Edinborough, 2 Mar 2017.
Localization and axiomatization of the wrapped Fukaya category
Algèbre homologique, analyse microlocale et géométrie symplectique, Montreal, 19 June 2019
M-seminar, Manhattan KS, 2 and 4 Dec 2018.
CATS5, Lisbon, 4 October 2018.
Fukaya categories: skeleta and coefficients, IHES, 6 July 2018.
Geometry and Topology motivated by Physics, Ascona, 28 June 2018.
Gökova Geometry & Topology, Gökova, 28-29 May 2018.
Some lectures at RIMS, Kyoto, 19-21 Dec 2017.
Berkeley-Tokyo summer school, Berkeley, 24 Aug 2017.
Perverse Sheaves of Categories, Bures sur Yvette, 12 July 2016.
Jussieu Summer School, Paris, 1 July 2016.
The conormal torus is a complete knot invariant
Gökova Geometry & Topology, Gökova, 31 May 2016.
Georgia Topology Conference, Athens, 26 May 2016.
Symplectic structures on moduli of microlocal sheaves
String-Math, Sanya, 1 Jan 2016.
Uppsala Geometry and Physics seminar, Uppsala, 25 Nov 2015.
Cluster varieties from Legendrian knots and Weinstein 4-manifolds
Hall Algebras, Enumerative Invariants, Gauge theories, Toronto, 18 Nov 2016.
Michigan Combinatorics, Ann Arbor, 8 April 2016.
Berkeley-Tokyo Winter School, Berkeley, 8 & 9 Feb 2016.
Berkeley Combinatorics, Berkeley, 1 Feb 2016.
Stanford Algebraic Geometry, Palo Alto, 29 Jan 2016.
Master Lectures with Edward Witten, Sanya, 30 Dec. 2015.
Symplectic Geometry & Topology Workshop, Uppsala, 22 Sept. 2015
UT Austin Geometry seminar, Austin, 17 Sept. 2015.
Sean Keel's Back Porch Seminar, Austin, 16 Sept. 2015
MIT Geometry & Topology seminar, Cambridge MA, 14 Sept 2015.
Cornell Lie Theory seminar, Ithica, 11 Sept 2015.
Cornell Colloquium, Ithica, 10 Sept 2015.
U. Penn Math-Physics seminar, Philadelphia, 8 Sept 2015:
GOATS, Berkeley, 1 Sept. 2015.
Algebraic Geometry megaconference: enumerative geometry, Salt Lake City, 20 July 2015.
UIUC Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, Urbana-Champaign, 28 March 2015.
UIUC Algebraic Geometry seminar, Urbana-Champaign, 30 March 2015.
U. British Columbia Algebraic Geometry seminar, Vancouver, 7 Nov 2014.
AMS Western Section meeting: algebraic geometry IV. San Francisco, 26 Oct 2014.
Berkeley Representation theory, Geometry, and Combinatorics seminar, Berkeley, 4 October 2014.
U Bologna algebraic geometry, Bologna, 9 July 2014.
Classical algebraic geometry, Oberwolfach, 2 July 2014.
EPFL Geometry seminar, Lausanne, June 2014 (3 lectures).
Mirror symmetry, enumerative geometry and related topics, Pavia, 28 May 2014.
???, Columbia, 8 May 2014.
Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves
AMS Western Section meeting: contact topology. Las Vegas, 18 April 2015.
ICTP Mathematics seminar, Trieste, 7 July 2014.
Representation theory, Integrable systems, and Quantum fields, Northwestern University, 19 May 2014.
Stanford Symplectic Geometry seminar, Palo Alto, 28 April 2014.
UC Davis Algebra and Discrete Math seminar, Davis, 3 February 2014.
Berkeley Representation theory, Geometry, and Combinatorics seminar, Berkeley, 11 October 2013.
Moduli Spaces and their Invariants in Mathematical Physics, Montreal, 10 June 2013.
Refined invariants in geometry, topology, and string theory, Banff, 4 June 2013.
Higher Discriminants
Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry, Stony Brook, 7 May 2013.
UW Madison Algebraic Geometry, Madison, 13 December 2013.
Berkeley Algebraic Geometry seminar, Berkeley, 3 September 2013.
Algebra and Geometry and Topology of Singularities (Luengo’s 60th), Miraflores de la Sierra, 13 September 2013.
Stanford Algebraic Geometry, Palo Alto, 15 April 2013.
Equidistribution in the space of rank two bundles on the projective line
UW Madison Number Theory seminar, Madison, 13 December 2013.
Berkeley Number theory seminar, Berkeley, 23 October 2013.
Brown Algebraic Geometry seminar, Providence, 7 December 2012.
U. Maryland Algebra & Number Theory seminar, College Park, 10 Oct 2012.
Refined curve counting on complex surfaces
Berkeley Algebraic Geometry seminar, Berkeley, 21 January 2014.
Winter school: geometry of sheaves in low dimensions, Ascona, 23 January 2013.
Torus knots and the rational DAHA
Category O: geometry and categorification, Luminy, 11 December 2012.
MIT Geometry & Topology seminar, Cambridge MA, 17 Sep 2012.
String-Math, Bonn, 20 July 2012.
Knot homologies and BPS states (Simons Symposium), Caneel Bay, 25 Apr 2012.
Kansas State M Center seminar, Manhattan, Kansas, 28 Feb 2012.
Northeastern Geometry, Algebra, Singularities, and Combinatorics seminar, Boston, 6 Feb 2012.
Hilbert schemes of singular plane curves: Severi strata and curve counting
Singularities, Oberwolfach, 26 September 2012 (after dinner).
ALGA 12 (70th birthday conference for Kleiman and Simis), Rio, 17 August 2012.
Stony Brook Algebra, Geometry, and Physics seminar, Stony Brook, 25 Jan 2012.
OSU/UIC/UM Weekend AG Workshop, Ann Arbor, 6 November 2011.
Motivic DT and singularities (AIM workshop), Budapest, 11 May 2012.
AMS regional meeting (moduli session), Lawrence, Kansas, 1 April 2012.
Harvard/MIT Algebraic Geometry seminar, Cambridge MA, 13 Sep 2011.
IST Lisbon Algebraic Geometry seminar, Lisbon, 21 Feb 2011.
U. Mainz Algebraic Geometry seminar, Mainz, 24 Nov 2010.
Valley Geometry seminar, Amherst, 05 Nov 2010.
Texas A& M Geometry seminar, College Station, 01 Oct 2010.
Hilbert schemes of singular plane curves: knot invariants
Northwestern Collquium, Evanston, 10 January 2012.
U. British Columbia Colloquium, Vancouver, 7 January 2012.
UC Berkeley Colloquium, Berkeley, 29 November 2012.
ETH Algebraic Geometry seminar, Zurich, 29 January 2012.
Simons fellows meeting, Stonybrook, 11 April 2012.
Harvard Gauge Theory seminar, Cambridge, 21 Oct 2011.
Simons Summer Workshop on Mathematics and Physics, Stony Brook, 15 Aug 2011.
London Geometry & Topology seminar, London, 24 Jun 2011.
Derived Categories, Cambridge (UK), 14 Apr 2011.
IST Lisbon Algebraic Geometry seminar, Lisbon, 07 Mar 2011.
Oxford Algebraic & Symplectic Geometry seminar, Oxford, 01 Mar 2011.
Bologna Algebraic Geometry seminar, Bologna, 06 Dec 2010.
Cornell Lie Groups seminar, Ithica, 12 Nov 2010.
Mathematics and Physics on the borderline between Algebraic and Differential Geometry, Canberra, 30 Jul 2010.
Wall crossing in Mathematics and Physics, Urbana-Champaign, 28 May 2010.
Columbia Algebraic Geometry seminar, New York, 26 Mar 2010.
MIT Geometry seminar, Cambridge MA, 08 Mar 2010.
U. Michigan Algebraic Geometry seminar, Ann Arbor, 17 Feb 2010.
Cambridge topology seminar, Cambridge, 26 Jan 2010.
Imperial College Algebraic Geometry seminar, London, 25 Jan 2010.
Princeton Geometry, Rep. Theory & Moduli seminar, Princeton, 26 Oct 2009.
Bethe Forum, Bonn, 11 & 12 July 2012: four lectures on Khovanov homology.