Goals and Motivation
Including human values into the development of software-intensive systems has long been a topic of discussion. A satisfactory solution such as a collection of (software-supported) methods or a model gallery for ethical argumentation has not yet been developed. This workshop will work on collecting methods for incorporating values into system development. Two particular methods, the Square of Values (SoV) and the Software Sustainability Assessment (SoSA) approaches, will be examined in more detail.
A specific focus of the workshop lies on how ethical reasoning can be supported with the help of software-tools.
We encourage participants to submit papers to the following topics:
- Theoretical ideas about methods for incorporating human values into system development
- Application examples and experience reports for ethical modeling methods
- Conceptual integration of values into modeling
- Presentation of frameworks and/or method collections for ethical modeling
- Evaluation results for the application of value-oriented methods
- Application examples of concrete values in modeled systems
Related topics are welcome
Submit until: February 9 February 19, 2024 (extended)
Notification: February 24 March 6, 2024
Camera-ready: March 1 March 15, 2024
The target group of the workshop are scientists and practitioners from information systems, computer science and related disciplines who are interested in ethical issues and values in the context of requirements engineering and system development. A background in the field of philosophy is not a prerequisite for participating in the workshop. The workshop aims at attracting interested participants of the entire conference.
Submit at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vivare24. Please use the LNCS article template to format your submission.
Submissions can be up to 10 pages long, including the list of references. Short articles with a maximum of 5 pages are also possible. All contributions will be reviewed by 3 members of the program committee; accepted papers are published as part of a joint REFSQ workshop CEUR proceedings.
John Krogstie, Dimitra Chasanidou, Birgit Krogstie: Social sustainability by design: Experiences with the Sustainable Awareness Framework
Tatiane Andrade, Denis Silva da Silveira, Emilio Insfran and Silvia Abrahao. Towards a Method for Aligning Organization Business Values with their BPMN Process Models
Modelling Session: Modelling with the SoSA Framework
Program Committee
Oliver Bendel, University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Alexander Bock, University of Duisburg-Essen
Renata Guizzardi-Silva Souza, University of Twente
Jens Gulden, Utrecht University
Alexander Rachmann, CBS International Business School
Kurt Schneider, Leibniz University Hannover
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rachmann, CBS International Business School
Dr. Jens Gulden, Universiteit Utrecht
Conducted by Emilio Insfran, Universitat Politècnica de València