About the Project

The project is aimed at streamlining the quality of higher education in the field of natural sciences by preparing a cycle of innovative and interactive summer schools for university students dedicated to the study of biological and biotechnological disciplines in Slovakia and V4 countries. 

Summer schools represent an intensive monthly educational project, which will provide participants with a unique opportunity to participate in the everyday research environment, and which will be composed of the basic components of scientific research life. 

The summer schools include lectures and discussions on relevant and popular topics in the life sciences, practical workshops designed to effectively transform theoretical knowledge into practical skills, as well as seminars on academic writing training, presentation of experimental results and the development of creative thinking. 

The effectiveness as well as the success of summer schools is monitored using a modern Tuning methodology, which allows to accurately describe the goals and results of education as well as specific competencies that should be acquired through study. 

The final vision of the research team is to summarize key theoretical and practical knowledge, educational elements as well as reproducible laboratory protocols from individual years of summer schools, with the aim of creating a multimedia teaching aid designed for a wide range of science program specialists and educators. 

The Summer School has been supported by the following projects: 

Cultural and Educational Agency the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, grant number  008SPU-4/2021.

Slovak Research and Development Agency grants no. APVV-15-0544 and APVV-21-0095.