There were a ton of updates I felt were very, very cool. Project Felix became Adobe Dimension - which focused on 3D modeling for creatives. This was very cool to see and I could see this being applied for a variety of different classes such as Brand Management, PR Campaigns, and even Social Media Marketing (if you were creating content to be posted on social media w/ these 3D images). I loved the new updates for Adobe Spark - love the fact you are able to brand content and share these via social. I have been part of the Adobe Spark Insiders group for over a year now, and this is one of my favorite communities. I also loved the fact in Premiere, you have new responsive timing and video features, and amount of AR/VR features for creatives is AMAZING! Loved hearing all of this during the main keynote event. So exciting!

Along with great items to be able to bring back to our offices and classes, what I really liked was the fact that Adobe focused on digital experiences and assets as well. For example, you were able to get social media headshots (LinkedIn and Lynda), as well as double exposure photos (done by Adobe Creative residents), and personalized t-shirts. These items allowed attendees to show - hey! I was able to not only get swag, but get something that is unique and personalized to me! Plus, each of these items we were able to collect from the conference have a story to them. We are able to pass along to others - hey, I was able to get this while at Adobe Max and EDUMax, and let me tell you about it. Perfect conversation starter for sure with fellow colleagues and students.

Viva Education Class 6 Social Studies Answer Key Pdf Download

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The answer is no. We have to create a paradigm shift by becoming what I would like to call an experiential connector. I have done research in social connectors for educators, but we are beyond what we need to think about when it comes to being just social. Experiential connectors are fully immersed in the process, dialogue, community, and learning networks. They are actively engaged and think beyond the initial conversation, and they are the ones who are disrupting the field and expectations faced as educators.

Our social studies curriculum has been developed to align with state-specific standards. Blended learning materials utilize digital resources to simplify planning and preparation for teachers. Discover how our curriculum creates memorable, engaging activities with customizable assessments and an essential question that anchors every lesson.

Our K-8 science curriculum is designed for NGSS, integrating the three dimensions in student learning. Our K-12 social studies curriculum provides educators in all 50 states the resources to confidently teach history and social studies concepts centering on essential questions with customizable assessments.

Every classroom, every teacher, and every student is different. The curriculum adapts to the ever-changing needs of students and classrooms by supporting different teaching styles, types of learners, and educational environments.

Viva Social Studies is a set of five books for classes 1 to 5, designed in accordance with the National Education Policy 2020. The series helps to build knowledge about humankind and the physical and social world we live in. It is an activity-oriented series with a focus on 'learning by doing' approach. Its creatively designed features in the chapters facilitate the development of skills such as critical and logical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, observation, decision-making, communication and many more.

As we explored in our post on the top 10 social media apps, this is a hard question to answer. There are so many metrics we could use, particularly given the ways different countries approach social media. However, based on the number of users worldwide, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp make up the top three sites.

This is another essential topic on our list of social media FAQs. The simple answer is, social media sites are safe to use if you use them safely. Most sites have security and privacy settings that allow you to control what others see about you. However, remember that most of your activity online leaves a digital footprint. You can learn some of the basics of cyber security to help keep you safe online.

Table 2 shows the frequencies of feedback response obtained from the students after attending the viva-voce. Most of the participants (95.45%) received prior information about online viva voce, syllabus and mode of viva in advance. Majority (90.91%) opined that questions were chosen from all the topics kept for viva voce and (88.63%) were easy to understand. 82% of participants felt it would be helpful for enhancing performance in final exams. 87.88% participants agreed that time allotted for each student was adequate and they faced network issues at their places (37.88%). Nearly half the total participants (45%) were nervous while facing viva in the presence of other students. Only 35% of participants preferred online methods over traditional viva voce. Online viva voce was transparent with respect to marking system (90.15%) and less biased (88.64%) if done in structured format. With regard to visual round viva voce, 71.21% participants felt that the visuals shown were clear and questions asked were appropriate (81.82%) for visuals shown. 85.61% participants agreed that listening to questions asked to others and their correct answers helped in their learning. 34.85% of participants preferred this method over traditional face to face viva voce and felt that this avoids favoritism (68.18%). They (84.84%) were comfortable to face viva voce when done in a group of ten members.

Online assessment is relatively new for medical undergraduates in India; however, it will become mainstream over the next decade in all territories; this includes the developing world, partly because the needs of developing countries will be too great to be satisfied by traditional means alone.[9,10] The success of online teaching and assessment in developing countries depends on factors such as planning, technical support, student's participation, financial conditions, and feasible high speed internet connection.[5,6] The connection and feeling of being part of learning and assessment is somewhat lacking in online education and it is not unusual to feel isolated by the learner.[6] Many participants expressed that they were not comfortable to face the viva in the presence of others and preferred face to face viva voce rather than online. Network problem was another issue where participants were unable to hear the questions properly. Many expressed that the time given for the visual round was not sufficient. The time frame of 30 s was given to avoid malpractice of seeking answers from other friends. Questions were framed from easy to moderate to difficult level covering all the topics to avoid the bias. The marks distribution on spot for correct, partially correct and wrong answers made it transparent where other nine students observed the marks awarded for each student. Questions were clear and easy to understand by most of the participants.

Our study results also observed that rural students perceived that listening to questions asked to others and their answers in online viva voce helped in their own learning as compared with urban resident students. However, rural students were less comfortable attending the online viva in a group of ten as compared to urban students. Furthermore, urban students perceived that performance in final examinations after attending the online viva will enhance in comparison with rural students.

Online assessments have their own sustained and inherent advantages and challenges. Conducting online viva voce as a part of formative assessment is not without challenges with respect to feasibility, technology adoption, network issues, transparency, learner comfort, etc., Many teachers themselves are technophobic which may delay the adoption of technology enabled education.[11,12]

This unit introduces a range of key educational theories with the aim of enabling students to later engage in evidence-based classroom practice. Psychological, historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives are integrated. The focus of the unit is on providing students with insights into the most creative and innovative aspects of education. Students should be prepared to learn outside their 'comfort zone'. ff782bc1db

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