Some facts 

A non-exhaustive collection


Come from

I come from a small town in the Basilicata (also, Lucania) region of Italy. A mostly unknown and somehow mistreated land, so much so that even Christ decided not to set foot in it

Well, he was wrong: visit Matera, read Rocco Scotellaro, eat peperoni cruschi.

Paris half-marathon, March 2022


I am a decent runner. Do I think about my research problems while running my 10km hoping for an Eureka! moment? Hell no. Would I trade a first-author Nature Physics for a 5min/km New York City marathon? Hell yes.

I also dabble in football, though with a very different level of grace. 

V Van Gogh, Wheatfield with crows, 1890


The subtitle of my blog reads: unsolicited words about the things of the world. Of mine, at least. It is called Spicilegio: few, long-format articles and stories that, at some point, I felt compelled to put down in writing.

I write in Italian, but that is not such a big deal nowadays (ENG version).