vital alpha testo nap so my bedding is still here for all the naps I'm really struggling before I can we've got two bedroom set up as bedrooms so that's two nice places to go and sit and read we also have like the living room we didn't need our dining room as a dining room so we've made that into like a really nice nook that is cozy sorry ins oh I'll come to that yeah so just kind of like finding different places doing different things and I've not even had the motivation to pick up a book and I really like reading so just kind of trying to find some coping strategies I'm quite uh I was quite a night eater like I would take snacks and to bed with me not like going to bedtime but just like that is what I would do to cope and I just have to find different ways to do that so by the time you watch this video by the time I upload it there will be a few weeks from now so um but if you do have any suggestions for anyone else who's struggling do leave them below because that is how I've learned so much by just looking at other people's journeys there's still so much to tell you I have had a little bit of pain I went to the boots and 70% off sale on
vital alpha testo and maybe have a Friday we only parked in a 20-minute parking bay like free for 20 minutes or 1 paradesi for an hour so I was like I'm gonna do it in 20 minutes and I was holding some stuff and where I was holding them was like at my abdomen and people pushed into me and I'm one of the things like went into one of my incisions like just just a little scratch but it for akin hurts so that was fun um but they're yeah they're getting a little sore I'm still only taking two coatings per day I think I've mentioned this before I was told I can take for a day plus paracetamol four times a day I'm never taking the paracetamol because it is disgusting the dissolvable one and it also makes it fizzy which my stomach cannot handle yeah and I took three codeine on the boots day when it was really sore so that's it I'm still only on the - Cody could probably start have a normal paracetamol instead of codeine I'm kind of at that stage and I'm not drinking as much as I should I'm really struggling with sure I've mentioned this but the aftertaste of sweet things in my mouth and so the actual taste of like the protein shakes squash flavored water they're really nice but then they leave this horrible horrible taste in my mouth and I never had that before um so that's fun so to cope I'm just gonna make sure that I have a few more cup of soups and homemade soups I've been doing a lot of cooking actually getting ready for the puree stage and not wanting to waste food so