Much of the thinking behind Visual Tutoring comes from my own experiences as a child (and an adult).  Of endless hours spent attempting to learn words from a page, or cast my mind back over words spoken within the four walls of a classroom.

It was very late on in my own schooling when I realised that the key to my understanding was through drawing, essentially visualising a whole range of subjects through using a pencil, paper and some colouring pencils!

I went from being a under-achiever to an A grade student and was able to apply this at University too, where visualisation allowed me to succeed in a whole range of subjects taken as part of my modular degree.

In my teaching career, I have used visualisation time and again to unlock children's potential and raise their self-belief - sometimes completely changing their own self-image as a learner.  There has been some lovely feedback for my work over the years and I am proud of the comments that many parents have given me regarding the years spent with 'Mr Smith'.  

I believe that Visual Tuition offers a chance for a huge range of children to enjoy learning, to fully engage in it and to get the results they deserve without feeling that they are simply cogs in a system.  It offers them the opportunity for them to take back control, and make education work for them.