Eye Color

Eye color, existing as an on/off condition instead of on a gradient, requires the use of the 'trait' system instead of the 'blending' system used for skin color.

Instead of eyes being a color shift of the same eye color, many of them could be unique textures.


Humans have the widest variety of eye colors, with many variations that include mixtures of multiple eye colors. Since the universe of Mortal Online is a dark fantasy universe, variations of bloodshot and blind eyes have been added which could be used by players, or used by SV for characters that are sleep deprived, driven insane, sick, cursed, and so-on. Some eye colors could also be hidden and reserved for NPCs/players who've done certain things as well.

Since they'd use the trait system, keep in mind that 10 or higher is required to unlock these eye colors—meaning that +2 would not allow a full-blooded character of that bloodline to unlock them.


Tindremenes, as the descendants of an empire that once spanned many corners of the known world, have almost the entirety of human eye colors available to them, with a few exceptions.


The Khurites are more limited in eye color, with a heavy sway towards the darkest tones, however, they also have several 'hidden' eye colors in the green and hazel spectrums where a percentage of Khurite ancestry may allow this option in certain cases.


Since Sarducaans are able to have green eyes in the current form of Mortal Online, this chart goes with that, but still keeps them from having most blue eye colors, and their heaviest sway is still towards brown eyes. Note that the majority of the blue eye colors are +2, and thus cannot be expressed by a full-blooded Sarducaan.


Sidoians can currently range from dark brown to a hazel color, which I kept. Among the typically darker-eyed ethnicities, Sidoians carry unexpressed traits towards blue eyes, and are the only ones of them who carry unexpressed traits towards purple eyes.


Kallard eyes are a unique case, where there's an additional 'check'. Only Kallards of 1/4 to 3/4 ancestry are able to have typical human eyes. Full-blooded (4/4) Kallards must have the uniquely Kallardian eye colors, and the other human eye colors are taken from them.

This means that if a player wants blue eyes for their character, mixing in even just 1/4 of Kallardian blood will unlock a few blue options.

As an example of a specific — I created a unique eye color tied exclusively to those with partial Kallardian blood: Purple. It would only be expressed in 3/4 Kallards, or people of mixed Kallardian and Sidoian and/or Tindremic ancestry. As an example, Yennefer of Vengerberg's model from The Witcher 3 would likely be a Varborgian Tindremene with 1/4 Kallard blood. This rare eye color would be almost entirely unheard of anywhere but Nordveld, and only in mixed Kallards. While most Varborgians wouldn't have it, it would be an almost certain way to recognize an NPC as being from there.

3/4 Kallards would have the ability to choose non-Kallardian or Kallardian eyes, while full-blooded Kallards would be able to only choose Kallardian eyes. 3/4 Kallards with non-Kallardian eyes could be represented in Kallard populations with distant non-Kallardian ancestry and might be fairly common outside of Nordveld.

This would make Kallardian eyes 'special'—only someone with a majority of Kallardian blood could have them.


According to the lore, Thursar are meant to have eyes that look mostly all one color, as explained by Mats in this DM I had with him:


For Alvarin, I kept their sclera dark—but added some color to most of the options. The Veela have 'natural' tones, while the Sheevra have 'gem' tones. I'd already made a thread suggesting Alvarin eye colors, which is why the art I drew for this is more finished and 'professional'.


Oghmir see through infrared vision, and thus don't necessarily need sharp and clear sight. This post from Mats helps explain this a bit, as well as how Kallardian and Blainn eyes work: