Visual Arts

E-learning for Secondary

Georgia O'Keeffe Unit

DAY 1 - Art History

Georgia O'Keeffe Unit

Read the artist biography to the left by clicking on the link below the sheet. Then watch the video below. Once you are more familiar with the artist you will work on a couple of projects!

Abstract Flower Activity Sheet - O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe painted large close-up paintings of flowers. Use the colors and patterns in the worksheet provided to color artwork created in her style.

If you don't have a printer, you can re-create this piece of art on a separate sheet, or color it digitally.

DAY 2 - Art Creation

Your choice of medium.

You can use this as reference, or look up her actual painting and use that instead.

Black Mesa

O’Keeffe painted much more than just flowers. She painted cityscapes and landscapes as well, but she always simplified shapes and forms and filled them with beautiful color.

Use the drawing based on her Black Mesa New Mexico painting and create your own O'Keeffe style artwork.

You can print and color, re-draw on your own paper and color, or color digitally on an iPad or Touch Screen Chromebook.

DAY 3 - Art Analysis

Formal Visual Analysis: The Elements & Principles of Art

Artists Network

DAY 4 & 5 - Art Creation

Abstracted Flower

Materials: Watercolor Paint and Watercolor Paper, water and brushes OR Colored Pencil, Paper, Pencil, Eraser

Watercolor Techniques

Watch this video on how to apply watercolor techniques. You will be creating close-up versions of flowers, but the same techniques apply.

Watercolor Techniques

Find reference of a close up flower and download it to your take a close up photo of a flower with your phone or iPad, crop the area that you want to use as reference. O’Keeffe always painted off the edge of her canvas and you will too so make sure the flower/flowers design falls off the page.

Look at the color reference of your flower and identify key colors that you see and create a color plan using a scrap piece of watercolor paper and paint or drawing paper and colored pencils. Remember to add water to create lighter versions of your colors if using watercolor and vary pressure and layering of colored pencils.


2020 A Space to Create Art, LLC. All rights reserved.
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A note about artwork used in this resource:All line artwork was created by Sabrina Wingren for this resource. Any student artwork included is used with express permission. ©2019 A Space to Create Art, LLC. Sabrina Wingren. All rights reserved.