
Lê Mihn

1NB. Shot sizes

Shot sizes

2NB. Camera angles


3 NB. Camera movement

Camera Movement



5 NB. Film production stages

Copia de Storyboard

Making  a  1 -Minute Film

OpenShotvideo editor
Story board.pdf


It is about making a fiction short film that will last one minute. It will be in a team of 3 or 4 people.

The activity will consist of three parts:

1. Preproduction

2. Production´

3. Postproduction


Each team must present:

1. Preproduction

At this point you have to discuss about the idea of ​​your short film. What do you want to tell and what tone will it have (humor, mystery ...).

You need to write down any stories you can think of. From this initial brainstorm you will choose the one you like best, or the one that is most likely to be carried out for technical reasons.

In this video you are given some tips to get started writing your script.

Once you’ve written your story, you’ll need to make a storyboard. This is a graphic or visual way of approaching our story, that is, as we will see it on screen. This means that the same scene can be planned in different ways.

Make different storyboards and evaluate the pros and cons of each. Choose one, or try to make the most of each of your approaches. That will be your technical script. It's like a "map" not to be missed when recording images.

In this other video you have other slightly more technical tips for making a home short film.

Before you start recording shots with your mobile, make this clear:

> The locations. Where will you make your recordings

> Objects that appear in the short and are necessary (props)

> Actors who appear

2. Production

You need to record your shots with your cell phone. If you have a more sophisticated camera, much better, of course. In any case, always record everything with the same device. Each brand offers different image qualities and this can cause raccord problems.

Consider recording a few extra seconds per shot. Afterwards you will cut it. At this point it is better to have seconds left over than to run out of seconds.

Try to take care of things like:

> the composition of the shot

> route of camera movements

> the light

3. Postproduction

Once all the shots are recorded, we move on to the edition. At this point it is a matter of fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. You can afford a small margin for experimentation with the edition, but since we are not experts and want certain guarantees of a good result, it is advisable to follow the "map" of the storyboard that you had drawn. If you don’t, the story could take a different direction.

Use OpenShot as your video editor. You can download the program for free HERE and start editing with it.

OpenShot User Manual

OpenShot video tutorial
