
M.C. Escher

Similarity & congruency

9 NB. Similar & congruent figures


10 NB. Translation, reflection and rotation

11NB. Dilation


25. WS. Constructing a translation
26. WS. Constructing a rotation
27. WS. Constructing a reflection
28. WS. Constructing a dilation.


12 NB. Tessellations




  • scissors

  • cell roll

  • set squares

  • pencil and eraser

  • wooden coloured pencils

  • 2 sheets of BASIK A4 paper


1. We will draw a minimum of 4 or 5 squares of 4 cm on one of the BASIK sheets of paper. We will cut them. This will be the basis of our module

2. In each of the squares we will practice some of the isometric transformations: translation, rotation, or reflection. It is a matter of cutting some shape on the sides of the square and then we will stick it with the edge to another. VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot mix two different transformations in the same module. Consistency must be maintained.

3. Once we have a transformed module, we can start testing how its repetition will work. This means that on any sheet we will practice a few repetitions, in order to see if everything fits. We will draw the outline of our module and repeat it according to the transformation that will have been done.

If it is a translation, we will have to slide it.

If it is a reflection, we will have to flip it over.

If it is a rotation, we will have to rotate it.

4. It is necessary to test different insides for the same contour. We can see it in this other video ( from minute 4)

5. Before finishing the sketching phase, make brief tests with the colours you will use. Try not to be more than four.

6. Once you have decided what your module will be and what inside it will have, you can start repeating it on the other BASIK paper.

You will have to cover the entire surface of the sheet and there is the possibility that, by tracing the contour, the shapes will no longer fit and the whole network will go out of adjustment. To avoid this, draw a 4 cm grid on each side beforehand, so that everything is well placed.

7. Finally paint the net with the colours you have already decided.


When you have to submit the work, bear in mind that there are two parts. Both evaluable:

1. Sketches. They will have to be stapled all together:

  • the tests of different modules, glued on any paper. (contours)

  • testing of different insides

  • the repetitions

  • colour testing

2. Finished grid, in colour, on a sheet of BASIK paper.