Scale to work on projects of any size and complexity with a 64-bit IDE. Code with a new Razor editor that can refactor across files. Diagnose issues with visualizations for async operations and automatic analyzers.

Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically; instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VSPackage. When installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The IDE provides three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which provides windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. In addition, the IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services.[10] All editors, designers, project types and other tools are implemented as VSPackages. Visual Studio uses COM to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio SDK also includes the Managed Package Framework (MPF), which is a set of managed wrappers around the COM-interfaces that allow the Packages to be written in any CLI compliant language.[11] However, MPF does not provide all the functionality exposed by the Visual Studio COM interfaces.[12]The services can then be consumed for creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.

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The code editor in Visual Studio also supports setting bookmarks in code for quick navigation. Other navigational aids include collapsing code blocks and incremental search, in addition to normal text search and regex search.[23] The code editor also includes a multi-item clipboard and a task list.[23] The code editor supports code snippets, which are saved templates for repetitive code and can be inserted into code and customized for the project being worked on. A management tool for code snippets is built in as well. These tools are surfaced as floating windows which can be set to automatically hide when unused or docked to the side of the screen. The code editor in Visual Studio also supports code refactoring including parameter reordering, variable and method renaming, interface extraction, and encapsulation of class members inside properties, among others.

Visual Studio allows developers to write extensions for Visual Studio to extend its capabilities. These extensions "plug into" Visual Studio and extend its functionality. Extensions come in the form of macros, add-ins, and packages. Macros represent repeatable tasks and actions that developers can record programmatically for saving, replaying, and distributing. Macros, however, cannot implement new commands or create tool windows. They are written using Visual Basic and are not compiled.[12] Add-Ins provide access to the Visual Studio object model and can interact with the IDE tools. Add-Ins can be used to implement new functionality and can add new tool windows. Add-Ins are plugged into the IDE via COM and can be created in any COM-compliant languages.[12] Packages are created using the Visual Studio SDK and provide the highest level of extensibility. They can create designers and other tools, as well as integrate other programming languages. The Visual Studio SDK provides unmanaged APIs as well as a managed API to accomplish these tasks. However, the managed API isn't as comprehensive as the unmanaged one.[12] Extensions are supported in the Standard (and higher) versions of Visual Studio 2005. Express Editions do not support hosting extensions.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped in five editions: Academic, Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect edition includes an implementation of Microsoft Visio 2002's modeling technologies, including tools for creating Unified Modeling Language-based visual representations of an application's architecture, and an object-role modeling (ORM) and logical database-modeling solution. "Enterprise Templates" were also introduced, to help larger development teams standardize coding styles and enforce policies around component usage and property settings.

Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007 Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included. Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, Silverlight CoreCLR or .NET Compact Framework) the assembly runs on. Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition).[140] For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.[141] For native and managed code interoperability, Visual C++ introduces the STL/CLR, which is a port of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms to managed code. STL/CLR defines STL-like containers, iterators and algorithms that work on C++/CLI managed objects.[142][143]

The Visual Studio 2010 IDE was redesigned which, according to Microsoft, clears the UI organization and "reduces clutter and complexity."[152] The new IDE better supports multiple document windows and floating tool windows,[152] while offering better multi-monitor support. The IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), whereas the internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that offers more extensibility points than previous versions of the IDE that enabled add-ins to modify the behavior of the IDE.[153]

Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing applications targeting Windows 7.[152] It supports IBM Db2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft SQL Server.[152] It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications, including an interactive designer.[152] Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their runtime stacks.[155] Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores.[156] Intel and Microsoft have jointly pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010[157]and Intel has launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.[158]

The final release of Visual Studio 2013 became available for download on October 17, 2013, along with .NET 4.5.1.[189] Visual Studio 2013 officially launched on November 13, 2013, at a virtual launch event keynoted by S. Somasegar and hosted on[190] "Visual Studio 2013 Update 1" (Visual Studio 2013.1) was released on January 20, 2014.[191]Visual Studio 2013.1 is a targeted update that addresses some key areas of customer feedback.[192]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 2" (Visual Studio 2013.2) was released on May 12, 2014.[193]Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 was released on August 4, 2014. With this update, Visual Studio provides an option to disable the all-caps menus, which was introduced in VS2012.[194]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 4" (Visual Studio 2013.4) was released on November 12, 2014.[195]"Visual Studio 2013 Update 5" (Visual Studio 2013.5) was released on July 20, 2015.[196]

More Details:

In the context of my Master Thesis I got a Data Acquisition Card (TimeTagger4-2G by Cronologic) for my Multichannel Plate. Unfortunately it was quite cheap, because it came without a ready to use software. Only a C++ example program, some .dll, some .lib and the Windows specific drivers (hence why I use windows visual studio) were included. The example program I managed to build, run and it does what it is supposed to do. Since I need to make histograms out of my data someone suggested I use root for this. I started learning root yesterday.

So how can I include the root commands in the already existing C++ example Code?

What I tried so far:

I installed root by downloading the Pro .exe file from here: [ -root] and double clicking on it, when the download was complete. I connected the bin folder with all the .dll to my visual studio project and also the lib folder with all the .lib. I also copy pasted the content of the include folder into the same folder as my visual studio project. The only thing I changed in the code itself was to add in the beginning the command

Modify the settings.json file to include The update must be well formed json. If you have other settings in your settings.json file, you may need to adjust the following example.

For Windows there are two project types: C++ and C#. If you don't know which one you can look in the windows/MyProject folder.If you find a MyProject.vcxproj file, you have a C++ project.If you find a MyProject.csproj file, you have a C# project.Each project type has different instructions. For either you can use both the Visual Studio IDE or a text editor.Note: The Visual Studio IDE only runs on Windows and is not the same as Visual Studio Code.If you use Visual Studio for Mac, please follow the text editor instructions. 0852c4b9a8

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