In the code editor for MyNewService.cs or MyNewService.vb, locate the OnStart method. Visual Studio automatically created an empty method definition when you created the project. Add code that writes an entry to the event log when the service starts:

Because a service application is designed to be long-running, it usually polls or monitors the system, which you set up in the OnStart method. The OnStart method must return to the operating system after the service's operation has begun so that the system isn't blocked.

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To set up a simple polling mechanism, use the System.Timers.Timer component. The timer raises an Elapsed event at regular intervals, at which time your service can do its monitoring. You use the Timer component as follows:

Services report their status to the Service Control Manager so that a user can tell whether a service is functioning correctly. By default, a service that inherits from ServiceBase reports a limited set of status settings, which include SERVICE_STOPPED, SERVICE_PAUSED, and SERVICE_RUNNING. If a service takes a while to start up, it's useful to report a SERVICE_START_PENDING status.

The Service Control Manager uses the dwWaitHint and dwCheckpoint members of the SERVICE_STATUS structure to determine how much time to wait for a Windows service to start or shut down. If your OnStart and OnStop methods run long, your service can request more time by calling SetServiceStatus again with an incremented dwCheckPoint value.

By default, Visual Studio adds a component class named ProjectInstaller, which contains two installers, to your project. These installers are for your service and for the service's associated process.

In the Design view for ProjectInstaller, select serviceInstaller1 for a Visual C# project, or ServiceInstaller1 for a Visual Basic project, then choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

This text appears in the Display Name column of the Services window. This name can be different from the ServiceName property, which is the name the system uses (for example, the name you use for the net start command to start your service).

In the Design view for ProjectInstaller, choose serviceProcessInstaller1 for a Visual C# project, or ServiceProcessInstaller1 for a Visual Basic project, then choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Set the Account property to LocalSystem from the drop-down list.

Before you decide to add startup parameters, consider whether it's the best way to pass information to your service. Although they're easy to use and parse, and a user can easily override them, they might be harder for a user to discover and use without documentation. Generally, if your service requires more than just a few startup parameters, you should use the registry or a configuration file instead.

A Windows service can accept command-line arguments, or startup parameters. When you add code to process startup parameters, a user can start your service with their own custom startup parameters in the service properties window. However, these startup parameters aren't persisted the next time the service starts. To set startup parameters permanently, set them in the registry.

Each Windows service has a registry entry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services subkey. Under each service's subkey, use the Parameters subkey to store information that your service can access. You can use application configuration files for a Windows service the same way you do for other types of programs. For sample code, see ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.

Select Program.cs, or MyNewService.Designer.vb, then choose View Code from the shortcut menu. In the Main method, change the code to add an input parameter and pass it to the service constructor:

Typically, this value contains the full path to the executable for the Windows service. For the service to start up correctly, the user must supply quotation marks for the path and each individual parameter. A user can change the parameters in the ImagePath registry entry to change the startup parameters for the Windows service. However, a better way is to change the value programmatically and expose the functionality in a user-friendly way, such as by using a management or configuration utility.

In Windows, open the Services desktop app. Press Windows+R to open the Run box, enter services.msc, and then press Enter or select OK.

Locate the listing for MyNewLog (or MyLogFile1 if you followed the procedure to add command-line arguments) and expand it. You should see the entries for the two actions (start and stop) that your service performed.

Create a standalone setup program for others to use to install your Windows service. Use the WiX Toolset to create an installer for a Windows service. For other ideas, see Create an installer package.

Want even more features? Install extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and to connect to additional services. Extensions run in separate processes, ensuring they won't slow down your editor. Learn more about extensions.

Windows Server 2003 (all x86-based and all x64-based editions) together with Service Pack 2

Note You must have MSXML 6.0 installed to apply this service pack on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003.

The WCF RIA service is now localized in 10 different languages that are supported by Visual Studio 2010 SP1. An entity may now contain members of a complex type. For example, you can use the Customer.Address type where Customer is an entity, but Address is not an entity. An entity type may now be used in multiple DomainService classes in the same application. The restriction on how to use a given entity type inside at most one DomainService is lifted. A code generation extensibility point is now publicly available. It may be used for T4-based and other code-generators that are external to the product. Additionally, DataForm Add/Remove operations are now enabled for the EntitySet class and the EntityCollection class.

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 fixes issues with stability of the compiler and code correctness for generated code. For example, this service pack fixes calling convention correctness for platform invoke and emitting XML document comments for extension methods. Additionally, this service pack improves the performance of generating an event hook up.

When you install this service pack, the installation process may continue and finish successfully if you try to stop the installation. This issue may occur when the installation process is over half complete.

If you start the installation process by selecting the "Download updates but let me choose whether to install them" option, and then select the "install update then shutdown" option, the service pack installation may fail. After the computer restarts, you will be offered this service pack again, and installation will complete successfully.

If you uninstall the service pack from a non-English version of Visual Studio 2010Ultimate, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, or Visual Studio 2010Professional users, you will be offered to install the service pack again. However, the installation process will fail because components of this service pack are in an unexpected state. To successfully reinstall this service pack, follow these steps:

Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today!

Starting with Visual Studio 16.6 Preview 2 the Connected Services tab offers a new experience called Service Dependencies. You can use it to connect your app to Azure services such as Azure SQL, Storage, Key Vault and many others. Wherever possible local emulation options are also available and more are planned for the future.

You can easily and quickly get the right NuGet packages, start-up code and configuration added to your project for every supported Azure service. You simply click add, pick the service from the list and follow the 2-3 steps in the wizard. Here is an example of adding Azure Cosmos DB

In the above example we re-used an existing instance of Azure Cosmos DB, but you can also create new instances of all the supported Azure services without leaving the IDE. Here is Azure Cosmos DB again as an example of provisioning Azure resources from within Visual Studio

To support all of this Visual Studio creates two new files visible in Solution Explorer under Properties called serviceDependencies.json and serviceDependencies.local.json. Both of these files are safe to check in as they do not contain any secrets.

Visual Studio also creates a file called serviceDependencies.local.json.user which is not visible in Solution Explorer by default. This file contains information that could be considered a secret (e.g. resource IDs in Azure) and we do not recommend you check it in.

This looks like a great feature, but I am curious to know how well it works with teams. If my project is dependant on Azure resources and the serviceDependencies.local.json file is not included in my git push what will the experience of others working on the project be?

We had a customer recently upgrade from LF 10.2 to LF 11. During the upgrade they also moved to a new server. They have several VS projects that use the /Workflow/api/ web services and since the server move, they have to update their projects to the new server. Originally, they got an error that the authentication was invalid because anonymous authentication was disabled. The enabled anonymous authentication and then they get an error that the "Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ' '.". I tested on my Demo system and get the same errors. Originally, I got the error for anonymous authentication and then after enabling it in IIS, I get the same error about the reference cannot be resolved. Below are screenshots from my Demo machine of the config and the error. 0852c4b9a8

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