Use your smartphone's screen to express yourself. It's bigger than you think.

The Visual Contact application allows you to show people around you (within sight) short messages using the screen of your smartphone. For example, two-line text in capital letters in green on a black background on a 4.7-inch smartphone is easily readable by a person with normal vision from up to 12 meters (about 40 feet) away.

Express your thoughts, emotions and feelings, greet, say goodbye, congratulate, coordinate actions, warn, demand, vote, ask for help, give a clue, find each other in a crowd and so on even if the mobile network is unavailable.

Unfortunately, the video cannot show the actual view of the application. You can see how it really works by downloading it on Google Play.

For this application to work well, you need to use a high-quality smartphone. In some smartphones, accelerometers and other parts are unstable, which leads to the need to periodically restart the smartphone.

This application can work on tablets, however, it is intended only for smartphones, since its use is associated with the rapid physical movement of the device while holding it in one hand.

How to use the app

Watching the video above may be enough to understand how to use the application. The touch points are displayed on the screen. If this video seems too fast for you, you can use the pause button while watching or read the text below.

After starting the application, using the keyboard, enter text in one or two upper lines. It is undesirable to enter more than 5 - 7 letters on each line. The larger the letter sizes, the fewer letters you should enter. If you are entering one long word, you can wrap the other half of it onto the second line. Use the Return key on the keyboard to move to the second line.

Once you finish typing, press the Back button to remove the keyboard, then touch the 👆 button, and the text size will increase. In this mode, hold the smartphone by the edges, do not touch the screen. Now, turn the smartphone screen in the direction of the people to whom you are addressing your message and, while holding the smartphone vertically, smoothly move it left and right about the width of its body about 2 times per second. At the same time, the text on the smartphone screen will visually remain almost in one place. This allows you you to display text that is approximately 2 times the width of the smartphone screen.

For example, if you enter the numbers 123456 in one row and press the 👆 button without resorting to additional resizing, you will see only three enlarged numbers on the screen. However, by moving the smartphone left and right, you will be able to show all the numbers. For best results, you can practice in front of a mirror.

When you move your smartphone, be careful not to drop or bump it.

To further resize the text, use the + and - buttons (these buttons are disabled in typing mode). Enlarging the text too much may result in some of the text not being displayed on the screen. Decreasing the text size allows you to fit more letters on the screen. However, such text will be less legible.

Use the C (Color) button to change the color of the text.

Use the B (Background) button to change the background color.

To edit the text, tap the center of the screen.

On a smartphone with a large screen, you can fit 3 lines of text. To do this, enter 3 lines of text, touch the Back button, press the 👆 button, and then tap the decrease text size button until all 3 lines fit on the screen.

Besides text, SOME smartphones allows to use emoji. You can use emoji in conjunction with the text, or you can enter one emoji and make it big. The emoji color cannot be changed, but you can change the background color. When using emoji, there may be slight jerks in the movement of the image.

To use the smartphone screen for color signaling, press the Back button to remove the keyboard and select the screen color using the B button. You can use this mode, for example, to vote or alert someone to danger.

Problem solving

If you removed the keyboard by tapping the Back button, tap the center of the screen to return it.

If in text entry mode you press the space bar or the Return button without entering any characters, remove the keyboard and press the 👆 button, you will not see anything on the screen. Tap the center of the screen, then use the Delete key to remove all spaces, enter your text, and press the 👆 button.

Or, in both of the above cases, just restart the application. This will return the application to its original settings and only takes a couple of seconds.

If you press the 👆 button without entering any characters, symbol * will appear on the screen. Tap the center of the screen and enter text.

If the text color matches the background color, the text will not be visible on the screen.

In this case, click the color change button or the background color change button.