Call for Papers

Call for papers in International Sign


Scope of the workshop

Clause-type marking by means of word order, inflection, complementizers, particles and prosody has been widely investigated. Much less is known about how clause-types are marked in the visual modality. This is true for sign languages, where visual cues carry the entire communicative burden, but also in spoken languages, where, in face-to-face interaction, visual cues are used alongside speech. 

How are declaratives, interrogatives and imperatives visually distinguished in spoken and sign languages? And how do the relevant visual cues interact with signals conveying the speaker’s stance or attitude (e.g. particular expectations in interrogatives and specific levels of commitment in declaratives) or the speech act that is performed (e.g. a command or a wish)? Which similarities and differences do we see in this domain between different sign and spoken languages? What kind of visual cues are involved? 

Initial research (e.g. Brentari et al. 2018, Domaneschi et al. 2017) shows that facial expressions, body poses, and temporal cues can all play an important role. Are other types of visual signals involved as well? What are the best methodological approaches to measure and categorize the relevant signals? Can methods making use of computer vision help in this regard?

The workshop aims at bringing together scholars interested in visual ways to mark clause types, both in purely visual sign languages and in multi-modal linguistic interaction. It welcomes both empirical and theoretical contributions, as well as work exploring new methods to measure and/or analyze visual cues.

topics of particular interest

Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:

conference languages and interpreting

The conference languages will be International Sign / American Sign Language (ASL) and English.  

Interpretation is provided through Overseas Interpreting. 

Instructions for submissions of abstracts

Abstracts can be submitted in the two conference languages: International Sign / ASL and English. Please note that the abstracts must not be anonymized. Written abstracts should include the name(s) of the author(s) following the title. Signed abstracts should start with the name(s) of the author(s). Written abstracts must not be longer than two pages (1 text page and second page including tables, examples, and references), in 12-point type, single-line spacing and 2,5 cm margins. Signed abstracts must be of comparable length (approx. 5 minutes). There is a maximum of 3 submissions per author, either as a single author or joint co-author.

Abstracts should be submitted to

For written abstracts, please send a PDF file. For signed abstracts, please send a link to the downloadable video.

Important dates