Nursing Course Catalogue


The curriculum of subject is described as a throbbing pulse of a nation. By viewing curriculum one can judge the stage of development and its pace of socioeconomic development of a nation. With the advent of new technology, the world has turned into a global village. In view of tremendous research taking place world over new ideas and information pours in like of a stream of fresh water, making it imperative to update the curricula after regular intervals, for introducing latest development and innovation in the relevant field of knowledge. In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 3 Sub-Section 2 (ii) of Act of Parliament No. X of 1976 titled “Supervision of Curricula and Textbooks and Maintenance of Standard of Education” the erstwhile University Grants Commission was designated as competent authority to develop review and revise curricula beyond Class-XII. With the repeal of UGC Act, the same function was assigned to the Higher Education Commission under its Ordinance of 2002 Section 10 Sub-Section 1 (v). In compliance with the above provisions, the HEC undertakes revamping and refurbishing of curricula after regular intervals in a democratic manner involving universities/DAIs, research and development institutions and local Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The intellectual inputs by expatriate Pakistanis working in universities and R&D institutions of technically advanced countries are also invited to contribute and their views are incorporated where considered appropriate by the National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC). To bring international compatibility to qualifications held from Pakistani universities/DAIs for promotion of student’s mobility and job seekers around the globe, a Committee comprising of Conveners of the National Curriculum Revision Committee of HEC met in 2009 and developed a unified template for standardized 4-years/8-semesters BS degree programmes. This unified template was aimed to inculcate broader base of knowledge in the subjects like English, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics etc in addition to major discipline of study. The Bachelor (BS) degree course requires to be completed in 4-years/8-semesters, and shall require qualifying of 130-140 credit hours of which 77% of the curriculum will constitute discipline specific and remaining 23% will comprise compulsory and general courses. In line with above, NCRC comprising senior university faculty and experts from various stakeholders and the respective accreditation councils has finalized the curriculum for Nursing 4-year programme. The same is being recommended for adoption by the universities/DAIs channelizing through relevant statutory bodies of the universities.


B.Sc Nursing (POST-RN ) 2 Year Degree

Nursing in Pakistan has shown great improvement particularly in field of education. At the time of establishment of Pakistan there were hardly any schools and training was based on hospital based apprenticeship model and entrance requirement was class eight. Today we have … schools of nursing in public and private sector. University based nursing education is now preferred thus we are moving from apprenticeship model to integrated model between academic and practice. The emphasis is moving from task orientation and skills to competency based incorporating evidence based practice. This model will prepare nurses who will be able to rationalize care and meet the challenges of 21st century health care needs. Currently in Pakistan we are striving to discontinue diploma programs in nursing and move towards undergraduate and graduate degree . Pakistan Nursing Council would like to establish BSN as basic education for nurses from 2020 onwards to keep up with global trends of having BSN as entry to practice. We are very happy to inform all that MSN degree programs have been initiated in several universities which will contribute towards preparing much needed faculty members. One of the universities has recently initiated a PhD program for nurses which will lead a way for other universities to follow. Furthermore, a two year Community Midwifery program has been established that is incorporating competencies provided by International Council of Midwives, This Post RN Program curriculum has been developed by PNC to ensure uniformity and consistency throughout all schools of nursing and facilitate Registration, Accreditation and Equivalence as required by HEC. Currently we have only 1717 number of Post RN Graduates registered in our data base. The uniform Curriculum will help the institutions and the Council to bring every graduate at the same standard with similar competence. Pakistan Nursing Council anticipates the future of nursing profession to obtain high standards and recognition of all nurses as partners in achieving Universal Health Coverage for population of Pakistan.. The PNC is committed to meet this goal with sincerity and continued efforts. Pakistan Nursing Council cannot achieve this goal alone so let us all join forces and give our loyalty and commitment to make this dream come true

For Curriculum of B.Sc Nursing Post RN click on the button below

B.Sc Nursing (POST-RN old Curriculum )

POST RN BSN 2 years.pdf