Doug's Dugout

You were feeling a bit peckish, so you headed for one of the cheap restaurants off the Zocalo on Red 5.  This one is called Doug's Dugout and it seems to be popular with the Human and Narn population.  As you head over, you see the Chief of Security, Michael Garibaldi, out of uniform and having some downtime with a friend.  They seem to be eating what looks like an honest-to-goodness beef burger and fries!  Your mouth starts watering...  and then Garibaldi notices you again and calls you over...

Fast Food on Babylon 5

Hey, it's you again!  Do you fancy a bite to eat?  We're having Zoon Burger and Jovian Tuber Fries.  C'mon in!

What's a Zoon Burger?  Well, it's a kind of burger you used to get at the Arterial Blockage in Fortune City on Cestus.  The only other place that does these is here in Doug's Dugout. 

Jovian Tubers?  Well, there a kind of large potato grown  in zero-g in orbit around Jupiter.  They make great fries!

You want to wash that down with a miner's draught of Traxian Ale.

Other Places to Eat?

If you don't want to stop here, you could go to one of the other street cafés.   We have:

But you can only get Zoon Burger here in Doug's Dugout!

Go back to your shopping?  Or go home?