Command and Control

This is Observation Dome 1, one of two main Command and Control hubs on Babylon 5.  One or other of the Domes is always busy, directing traffic, working 12-hour shifts.  Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova is on duty.  She is Babylon 5's second in command.  Susan Ivanova hails from the Russian Consortium.  Her severe hairstyle and crisp blue EarthForce uniform show her discipline and dedication.  She plays strictly by the rules and doesn't suffer fools gladly...

Grid Epsilon Traffic

Starliner Asimov, please be advised that your last passenger transport is leaving the docking bay right now.  We expect to give you clearance to depart in the next few minutes.

Narn cargo ship Tal'Quith, this is Babylon control.  Please be advised that we are dealing with your request for priority handling.  I know you are anxious to unload your perishable cargo, but landing pad four is currently occupied by an Earth Alliance passenger transport.  You wouldn't want to meet them coming out the other way, now, would you?  Please hold.  

Earth Transport Achilles, we copy that you have cleared the docking bay entrance.  Please proceed on beacon five-three-niner to rendezvous with Starliner Asimov. 

Narn cargo ship Tal'Quith, we are now ready to begin docking procedures.  We will bring you to landing pad four, and then take you down to the parking level.  Surrender control of your vessel to my station on my mark... Mark!  Thank you, and welcome to Babylon 5.  Please bring all inward-bound goods through Babylon 5 Customs upon your arrival.

Starliner Asimov, you should have shuttle Achilles on final approach.  You are now cleared to proceed to the jumpgate.  I hope you have a pleasant flight. 

Dome Technician

Hello Sir - welcome to C&C.  As you can see, there's a lot going on at the moment, with one passenger liner departing and another cargo ship arriving.  We control the movement of ships in and out of the docking bays.  That's Lieutenant Commander Ivanova over there, up in the Observation Dome, on the master console.  She talks to the ships' captains, to let them know when they can proceed.  Down here in the operations centre, there are three of us marshalling the vessels in and out of the main docking bay. 

Once a ship has entered the outer docking gate, there's a short passage to the middle gate, which opens to admit the ships. Then, there's a choice of four landing platforms in the middle dock, which take you down to the parking levels.  You saw that when you arrived.

Larger ships, like the Transport Dyson, have to come further in to the inner dock, where they unload at one of the four larger docking bays.  We just have to allocate the bay, and the software does the rest, in principle, although sometimes the chips blow out and then we have a problem.

What next?  Follow the EarthForce signs?  Use the BabCom terminal?  Or go home?