Visit Abortion Pill Philadelphia for Medical Abortion

Many women choose abortion pills option through the world as it is most effective. But it is also true that many women are suffering a lot due to this type of abortion mentally and physically as well. If you are also thinking about to go through this procedure then you should know that your body will go through numbers of changes.You can visit Abortion Pill Philadelphia for the best and effective information.

Yes, abortion pills do bloating after the abortion pills. Apart from pain, you will feel swallowing and abdominal bloating after your abortion. Some time swelling is quite normal and might last for 8-10 days.This means bloating will remain for alteast one week after taking this procedure and after it your abdomen will come back to shape. However, it is not a normal effect, you may have chills, fever, extremely large amount of bleeding, severe cramping, etc. In this case, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible because it may cause serious problems in future.

Reasons of Bloating After Abortion

Pregnancy and bleeding are the main cause of bloating after an abortion. Furthermore, this bloating also causes due to pain medication, heavy activities after abortion and insufficient fluids. Even though bloating is not something to worry about, it’s possible that you might feel some discomfort and pain.

To deal with the bloating, follow the following steps:

1. Staying hydrated

2. To relax the muscles of the stomach, drink peppermint tea

3. To get relief from the extra gas, eat chewable gas tablets.

Does abortion pill cause acne?

Abortion pills cause some acne to some of the women. Similar like Hormonal birth control can cause acne as it affects levels of your body hormones, but abortion is usually a surgical procedure that doesn't affect hormones. If you have taken abortion pills it may cause acne for one or two months nor more than this.

There are various reasons that cause acne such as stress from the abortion. Stress can cause poor sleep, breakouts. Actually, actual procedure does not cause,the cause the acne but your emotions about it can do.

Had abortion pill but still pregnant?

There is no need of an ultrasound after a medical abortion if you have no any complication symptoms. With the help of ultrasound, you can determine whether your pregnancy has ended or still continue. It is useful when you have a doubt that you are still pregnant and abortion is unsuccessful. You can check test at home as well with the help of home urine pregnancy test after 3-4 weeks of taking medicines. If you take the home urine pregnancy test before waiting 3 weeks, it can show a false result that a woman is pregnant, because there are still pregnancy hormones in her body.

Medical abortion is a natural process similar like miscarriage that takes place and your body might go for the changes for few months and regain its shape after some time. In this process, body take several weeks to fully expel all the tissues and production in the uterus. This is normal. If you want, you can also have an ultrasound about 10 days before after taking the medicine to confirm that the pregnancy has ended.

In some cases, women still have some tissues and blood inside the uterus even if the pregnancy has ended for several weeks. In addition to it, if you still have no symptoms of complications such as strong pain, smelling vaginal discharge,there is no need for nay surgical intervention even if a doctor suggests you regarding this. One can wait until after the next menstruation or take 2 tablets of misoprostol under the tongue.

When abortion pills don't work?

If the ultrasound shows the continuing pregnancy, then you can repeat the same treatment in the couple of the day. One of the scientific research has proven that with 4 tablets Misoprostol, to be put under the tongue and put it there until the pills dissolve. Now repeat this process after 3 hours with another 4 tablets under the tongue and gain repeat after 3 hours with another 3 tablets under the tongue.It might be that Misoprostol will not be effective again; it will induce an abortion only in about 80% of the cases. You can also do a medical abortion with Mifepriston and Misoprostol, this method is effective in 99% of the cases. For more information visit, Free Abortion Clinic Phadelphia to get the best services.